Europe in the Iron Grip of Neoliberal Fiscal Discipline and Anti-Labor Measures
"We live in critical times. Global capitalism has plunged much of the world in a crisis of unprecedented proportions and is causing misery and suffering for millions of people. Economic insecurity, mass unemployment, declining wages, poverty, social marginalization, crime, fear and social decomposition are now defining features of many advanced societies."
Jupp! Perfekt läge för lite shockterapi.
"Under neoliberalism, politics has surrendered power to the wealthy elite and to the financial markets and institutions. The state, through complex forms of intervention and mediation in the public arena, has sought to balance out the sources of large-scale friction between competing social forces. In an effort to assure the stable reproduction of capitalist economic and social relations, it has been converted into an instrument for carrying out the policies of the global neoliberal project without concern for the cost on human lives."
"Europe is the latest victim of global neoliberal economic policies. The global financial crisis that reached its peak in September-October 2008 has become a global employment crisis. This crisis is quickly engulfing Europe threatening to dismantle the last vestiges of the social market economy and complete the destruction of fundamental social rights of workers."
Fuck Facket 4 Ever!
"In Greece, Portugal, and Spain, "social democratic" governments are discarding even the pretext of being agents of progressive reform (even though they came to power on precisely such a political platform). These governments are imposing unprecedented cuts and austerity measures significantly reducing the standard of living for working people through the roll back of long established social programs, social entitlements and social rights. Programmatically there is no longer anything that sets apart southern European "social democratic parties" from (neo)conservative or neoliberal parties."
Grekland, Portugal, Italien och England är ju bara början snart kommer svångremmen hit på allvar och även om det då är en fungerande kortsiktigt lösning för socialdemokraterna att tillfälligt bakbinda de rödgröna genom en allians till valet vore det väl mer rationellt att slå ihop sossar och moderater i ett parti? Med ett enparti system som i McKina vore det vore mycket lättare att genomdriva dessa "oundvikliga" reformer utan att behöva ta hänsyn till socialister och trädkramare!
29 June 2010
The Iron Grip
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: CUF, naomi klein, nyfattigdom, nyliberalism, shock doctrine, socialmoderaterna
Im back!
Tyngd av den globala finansgrisen, den prematura förlusten av det 21 århundradets största ledargestalter och chocken över socialismens segertåg i USA, har gjort att jag inte riktigt kunnat samla kraft nog till att ens tänka på att blogga förrän nyligen.
Men nu vädrar jag återigen morgonluft i och med den fria marknadens triumfer över patetiska socialister och demokrater i Spanien, Grekland och Storbritanien.
I´m Back!
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: ert, eu, IMF, nyfattigdom, nyliberalism
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