Occupy Wall Street Protest Names Single Enemy: ‘Neoliberalism’
"..occupywallst.org, the Web site for the "NYC Protest for American Revolution," announced that it has a single enemy that seems to encompass most of the wrongs the protesters are railing against.
That enemy is "neoliberalism."
"Over the last 30 years, the [top] 1% have created a global economic system -- neoliberalism -- that attacks our human rights and destroys our environment," stated the Web site."
International Business Times
"Occupy Wall Street is a people powered movement that began on September 17, 2011 in Liberty Square in Manhattan’s Financial District, and has spread to over 100 cities in the United States and actions in over 1,500 cities globally. #OWS is fighting back against the corrosive power of major banks and multinational corporations over the democratic process, and the role of Wall Street in creating an economic collapse that has caused the greatest recession in generations.The movement is inspired by popular uprisings in Egypt, Tunisia, Spain, Greece, Italy and the UK, and aims to expose how the richest 1% of people who are writing the rules of the global economy are imposing an agenda of neoliberalism and economic inequality that is foreclosing our future."
Occupy Wall Street
16 October 2011
Occupy Wall Street Protest Names Single Enemy: ‘Neoliberalism’
Nyliberal Utopi
16 June 2011
20 February 2011
Marknadsreformer is Good!
Egypt and the global economic order
Egypt's protests were a denunciation of neo-liberalism and the political suppression required to impose it.
Neo-liberalism and crony-capitalism
"The strikers were responding to the fast-track imposition of neo-liberal economic policies by a cabinet led by Ahmed Nazif, the then prime minister who relentlessly implemented the demands of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF). These measures included the privatisation of public factories, the liberalisation of markets, decreasing tariffs and import taxes and the introduction of subsidies for agri-businesses in place of those for small farmers with the aim of increasing agricultural exports.
Such economic policies, which are by no means unique to Egypt, are the fruitful soil of neo-colonialism, whereby multi-national corporations are able to capitalise on economies run by regimes that impose low standards of corporate responsibility towards their labour force, have few environmental protection laws and, in the case of Egypt, subsidise natural resources for big industry. This is coupled with the shrinking of the public sector, which is precisely where most of the labour action in Egypt has been concentrated.
These policies benefitted a small Egyptian elite and foreign corporations, while condemning the country's working class to a new form of labour-slavery - many public sector employees held up their wage slips during protests, showing meagre monthly earnings of $50 to $90 - and the broader population to the consequences of a shrinking public sector and increased commodity prices."
Economists Blame 'Neo-Liberalism' for Region's Woes
Egypt embarked on "neo-liberal" economics more than three decades ago reorienting its socialist-oriented policies towards those of the "free market." Now, however, many critics call the strategy a failure and blame it for the country's rampant poverty and unemployment.
"Egypt's experiment with neo-liberal economics has resulted in soaring inflation, steadily increasing unemployment rates and a reduction of the average citizen's purchasing power," Hamdi Abdelazim, economist and former president of the Sadat Academy for Administrative Sciences in Cairo, told IPS.
The experiment first began in the late 1970s, when president Anwar Sadat forsook the socialist orientations of his predecessor, Gamal Abdel Nasser, by launching his "infitah," or "open-door" economic policy. The new strategy aimed to "liberalise" the economy by opening it up to imports from abroad and welcoming foreign investment in the country's development.
Stealing Egypt's revolution
Understanding Egypt
And the rich got richer
Neo-liberalism & Egypt’s Working Class
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: diktaturkapitalism, neoliberalism
15 February 2011
14 January 2011
Kriget mot tillväxten
E24: Revoltera mot elbolagen
"Den svenska elmarknaden är ett skämt, ett mycket cyniskt skämt. Vattenfalls, Fortums och Eons dominans har skapat ett oligopol som satt elmarknaden ur spel. "
Vilken orättvis och feg attack på framgångsrika entreprenörer som bara gör sitt bästa för att skapa välstånd och tillväxt! Ett bolags uppgift är att maximera sin vinst och det är väl inte mer än naturligt att de då marknadsjusterar elpriserna om de anser att de inte får ut tillbörlig ersättning för sina produkter.
"Dessutom betalar vi moms på el vilket innebär att statens inkomster ökar på vår bekostnad ju mer elpriset stiger. Internationalens fjärde strof om det statliga skatteförtrycket har aldrig känts så aktuell som nu."
"Att utländska elbolag som Eon och Fortum suger ut oss må vara svårt att angripa, de är ju i sin fulla rätt, men att folkets eget Vattenfall leder processen är svårare att acceptera."
Som jag förklarade i kommentarsfältet på E24 så är naturligtvis lösningen på detta att göra oss av detta statsförtryck och sälja ut Vattenfall till t ex Fortum, Eon eller det långt mer fria Kina, så att inte svenska staten ska sko sig på oss, utan vinsten helt och hållet går till de som förtjänar det nämligen hjältarna i de privata bolagsstyrelserna.
"Om alla Vattenfalls kunder struntar i att betala elräkningen i februari så kommer både politiker och elbolaget till slut förstå vidden av missnöjet", skriver Tomas Linnala.
Det är ett jättebra förslag! Som det kommer att svida för Vattenfall att se Eon och Fortum göra rekordvinster när alla Vattenfalls kunder sitter arga i mörkret och protesterar!
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: all we need is profit, Eon, Fortum, Vattenfall
12 January 2011
07 January 2011
CIA is Good!
Wayne Madsen: Sweden co-opted by CIA/Pentagon to launder Wikileaks cables
"WMR has learned from a long-time Republican Party consultant that the CIA used Sweden to launder the transfer to Wikileaks of carefully screened and redacted State Department cables and the subsequent release of the cables to pre-selected corporate news media entities. Sweden was chosen because of its so-called “press freedom and freedom of expression” traditions in an effort to make the release of the cables by Wikileaks appear to be unconnected to a covert CIA and Pentagon psychological operations program designed to place further controls on the Internet.
The Wikileaks operation was conducted with the help of two leading Swedish political leaders, both of whom have maintained a long association with the CIA and associated U.S. government entities. One of the conspirators is Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt who was discovered in high school in Sweden by U.S. Republican Party operative Karl Rove."
Karl Rove heckled, called 'war criminal'
The Architect and the War
Wanna know who this is?
Is Karl Rove helping persecute Julian Assange?
Timbro bjuder in Karl Rove
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: George W Bush, Pedofil, Phillip Morris, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, timbro