Reinfeldt i sitt jultal: "Han hatar vår frihet"
Självmordsbombaren Taimour Abdulwahab hotar folkhemmets ideal.
Det var en av huvudpunkterna i Fredrik Reinfeldts jultal.
- Han hatar vår frihet, sa statsministern.
'They' Hate Our Freedoms
by Thomas J. DiLorenzo
Perhaps the most ridiculous statement to have emerged from the neoconservative regime that runs the Republican Party is that bin Laden and his gang of terrorists murdered thousands of innocent Americans because "they hate our freedoms." If you are a Fox News Channel viewer or a Rush Limbaugh/Sean Hannity/Michael Savage/Michael Medved radio show listener you have probably heard this refrain at least 10,000 times.
But Americans were much freer decades ago, before the governmental Leviathan became as gargantuan as it is now. Why didn't Muslim terrorists attack us then, if they hate our freedom so much? Whey did they wait until 2001? The obvious answer, which is discussed in the U.S. government's own 9/11 Commission Report, is that in their minds the terrorists were retaliating for U.S. government interventions in "their" region, the Middle East. It had nothing to do with the freedoms of American citizens but with the desire of the American government to use its military muscle to dominate the entire world, especially the Middle East. Unfortunately for us, murderous thugs like bin Laden apparently believe all the tripe about democracy being "the will of the people," and so they equate us with the government. "
20 December 2010
George Bush Vinnande Koncept
Nyliberal Utopi