24 January 2007

Bush is Good!

In his 2007 state of the union speech he made it clear how important american support of freedom and democracy in the middle east is for combatting muslim sharia dictatorships and terrorism and how the US support of democracy has made the world a safer place.

"Free people are not drawn to violent and malignant ideologies" he said and it is so true, liberal free democracies like the US and Israel are on the forefront of spreading peace and liberty in the arabworld.

He stressed how important US collaboration with peaceful democracies like China is to make the Korean peninsula nuclear arms free just as the US support of UN resolutions against Iran will make sure the middle east also remains free from dangerous nuclear arms that could start a cold war style armsrace in the region.

Bush competent leadership and crusade for world peace, human rights and civil liberties is a model for swedish politicians and would no doubt restore swedens former glory and international reputation if more emulated by swedish politicians.

The Bush administrations close relationship to big business also shows that even if the national state as such is an evil whos influence should be kept at a minimum it can effectively be tamed and led in the right direction.