Some of my fellow ideologues seem to have the misconception that World_War IV is somehow fought against sharia law or religious states, which is of course a complete misunderstanding of the issue.
I only have to point to the fact that Iraq wasnt dominated by religion at all before the liberation, it was a stalinist dicatorship, but people are now liberated to practice religion free from any oppression.
Actually, Iraq now is now very close to the ideal "night watchman state" (swe. "nattväktarstaten") where the influence of the state is reduced to a minimum and security is in the hands of corporate and "religious" militia.
Also, the US and its allies strongly support countries where Sharia Law is practiced like Saudi, Pakistan, Jordan, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, etc
Just look at how US aid and weapons are distributed;
The United States...signed an estimated $6.2 billion worth of new deals last year to sell attack helicopters, missiles, and other armaments to developing nations such as the United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, India, Israel, Egypt, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia.
In the gulf region, Bahrain, Jordan and the United Arab Emirates have filed plans to buy Black Hawk helicopters -- for a total of $1 billion. Oman plans to buy a $48 million anti-tank missile system. The Emirates plans to buy rocket artillery equipment and military trucks for $752 million and Bahrain will purchase Javelin missiles for $42 million.
Bahrain alone has accounted for $1 billion in foreign military sales in the five years since 9/11.
A total of $21 billion in arms sales agreements were signed from September 2005 to September 2006 and as Erik Svansbo points out the US foreign policy has made them the most popular country in the world.
29 January 2007
Sharia is Good!
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: Guns R Us, oilpuppets, salvador option, Task Force 121