I did a bit of research on Buddhism and realized that its not as innocent as it appears, on the contrary, it´s an awful antiglobalization, anticapitalistic terrorist religion that should be globally banned and outlawed.
Here are a few quotes to show you why;
A Buddhist Response to the Age of “Globalization”
"As a result of the free market system, the natural environment in large pockets of the world is also in ruins beyond repair, threatening ecological equilibrium and human survival in general. And despite these obvious consequences, we are told that the free market system is still not free enough; there are still barriers to trade; economies have to be further deregulated or restructured at almost all costs; and so on. All these must be done in the name of progress, prosperity, development. If this faith in the emancipatory power of the free market system is not akin to fundamentalism, then what is?"
Buddha Bad for Business
"Buddhism is based on the notion that to avoid suffering and discontentment and thereby attain "inner peace," one must rid oneself of all desires.
That's ALL desires. "Suffering ceases with the cessation of craving" is the third "noble truth" of Buddhism. Material things then - even food, clothing and other necessities - are viewed as mere allurements. Even desiring a loving relationship or good health obstructs man's path to "Nirvana," the eternal peace.
It's hard to imagine a belief system more anti-life than that.
So where do businesspeople fit into such a philosophy? Clearly they don't.
The whole purpose of business is to satisfy desires - the desires of capitalists to earn a profit and the desires of customers for goods and services. So if desires are immoral, then businessmen - from computer giants to corner grocers - are guilty of serving vice."
A Buddhist Critique of Transnational Corporations
"We have given corporations dominion over the sustaining of our lives. They have become sovereign citizens and we have become consumers. They concentrate power and wealth. They design and shape our society and world. They carve our goals and aspirations. They shape our thoughts and our language. They create the images and metaphors of our time, which our children use to define their world and their lives. In other words: what corporations do well, what corporations are designed to be, is the problem."
A Buddhist Perspective on Greed and Globalization
"From a Buddhist perspective".. "economic growth and consumerism are unsatisfactory alternatives because they evade the basic problem of life by distracting us with symbolic substitutes such as money, status, and power. Similar critiques of idolatry are found in all the great religions, and rampant economic globalization makes that message all the more important today."
Globalization from a Buddhist Perspective.
"..from a Buddhist perspective the very core of the globalization process is the globalization of Tanah or "craving". According to Buddhist analysis Tanah is the root cause of all suffering."
Sounds just like bin Laden ...
29 September 2007
Buddhism is Bad!
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: buddhism, burma, capitalism, globalization, greed, ignorant greedy opportunistic neoliberal assholes, naiv idiot, neoliberalism
Bomba Burma!!
Liksom 2003 när Bush ledde den hjältemodiga amerikanska befrielsen av Iraks olja från den grymma islamistiska stalinist diktatorn Saddam Hussein, leder USA återigen kampen för fred och frihet i världen.
Återigen är det nödvändigt att USA, som ledare av den fria världen, kommer till undsättning och räddar en förtryckt befolkning, denna gången i Burma (var det nu ligger..)
Men jag tycker det är dags att avlösa de alldeles för lama pacifistiska buddhistmunkarnas verkningslösa protester och istället låta frihetens fosforbomber regna över burmeserna så att landet kan bli befriat på riktigt och åtnjuta samma demokratiska rättigheter, välstånd och säkerhet som råder i Irak, nu när landet är befriat från förtryckets klor.
Jag hoppas också att Sveriges största asiatiska handelspartner och OS-värd, Kina, assisterar i denna mission, de har ju stort inflytande i landet och deras långa erfarenhet i kampen för mänskliga rättigheter och demokrati bl a från Himmelska fridens torg och befrielsen av Tibet kan ju vara väldigt värdefullt i ett läge som detta.
Sverige kanske till och med kunde få ha Kina som tillfällig bas för våra JAS-plan och hjälpa till med flygunderstöd om Burma, liksom Irak och Afghanistan, ska bombas till demokrati.
(Jag försökte själv få tag i en likadan röd tröja som mina liberala vänner hade i fredags, för att markera min solidaritet med Burmas befrielsekamp, men det visade sig först vara svårt, alla var slutsålda, men till slut hittade jag en på Röda Stjärnan (den var dock några storlekar för liten och hade ett stort screentryck på Mao på framsidan, men med tanke på OS 2008, mina personliga investeringar och mina förhoppningar på landet, kan man ju slå två flugor med en smäll och både hylla frihetskampen i Burma och sina egna investeringar (Leve frihandeln!).)
Uppdatering apropå Kina och Buddhism;
MSNBC; "Aug. 20-27, 2007 In one of history's more absurd acts of totalitarianism, China has banned Buddhist monks in Tibet from reincarnating without government permission. According to a statement issued by the State Administration for Religious Affairs, the law, which goes into effect next month and strictly stipulates the procedures by which one is to reincarnate, is "an important move to institutionalize management of reincarnation."
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: burma, dubbelmoral, federley, liberal förvirring, malm