Today is Milton Friedman Day and that is something that should be declared an international holiday, for what would Pinochet, Reagan and Thatcher be without the sublime economical theories of the Nobel prize-winning economist Milton Friedman.
He had a profound influence on neoliberal politics globally and some of his recommendations can be seen in Sweden today;
"the General abolished the minimum wage, outlawed trade union bargaining rights, privatized the pension system, abolished all taxes on wealth and on business profits, slashed public employment, privatized 212 state industries and 66 banks and ran a fiscal surplus."
And Chile was then, just as China is today, great examples that dictatorship and neoliberal economics together can create fountains of wealth for corporations.
30 January 2007
Milton Friedman is Good!
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: diktatur, milton friedman, neoliberalism, nyliberal
29 January 2007
Sharia is Good!
Some of my fellow ideologues seem to have the misconception that World_War IV is somehow fought against sharia law or religious states, which is of course a complete misunderstanding of the issue.
I only have to point to the fact that Iraq wasnt dominated by religion at all before the liberation, it was a stalinist dicatorship, but people are now liberated to practice religion free from any oppression.
Actually, Iraq now is now very close to the ideal "night watchman state" (swe. "nattväktarstaten") where the influence of the state is reduced to a minimum and security is in the hands of corporate and "religious" militia.
Also, the US and its allies strongly support countries where Sharia Law is practiced like Saudi, Pakistan, Jordan, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, etc
Just look at how US aid and weapons are distributed;
The United States...signed an estimated $6.2 billion worth of new deals last year to sell attack helicopters, missiles, and other armaments to developing nations such as the United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, India, Israel, Egypt, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia.
In the gulf region, Bahrain, Jordan and the United Arab Emirates have filed plans to buy Black Hawk helicopters -- for a total of $1 billion. Oman plans to buy a $48 million anti-tank missile system. The Emirates plans to buy rocket artillery equipment and military trucks for $752 million and Bahrain will purchase Javelin missiles for $42 million.
Bahrain alone has accounted for $1 billion in foreign military sales in the five years since 9/11.
A total of $21 billion in arms sales agreements were signed from September 2005 to September 2006 and as Erik Svansbo points out the US foreign policy has made them the most popular country in the world.
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: Guns R Us, oilpuppets, salvador option, Task Force 121
Marknadskraften is Good!
Jag blev djupt rörd när jag hittade den vackra som så väl fångar den osynliga kraft som frälst mig och mina nyliberala bröder och systrar;
"Människan är inte skapt till att släpa på bojor, utan till att veckla ut sina vingar"
- Victor Hugo
Tankarna vandrar osökt till John Ashcrofts hjärtliga tolkning av "Let the Eagle Soar"
Här är ett annat citat från som fick mina ögon att tåras;
"Om djuren var som Kalle Anka och hans vänner i Ankeborg skulle de ha rätt till sina egna liv"
Det är så sant...
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: mammon, marknadsfundamentalism
27 January 2007
Denmark is Good!
Gudmundson visar att den danska flyktingpolitiken inte alls är så rasistisk som vissa behuvade extremister påstår, den utmärkta Jyllands-Posten rapporterar;
"Siden 2001 er antallet af nytilkomne udlændinge fra lande uden for EU mere end fordoblet. Det samme gælder antallet af opholdsbeviser til borgere fra de gamle EU-lande og EØS-landene (f.eks. Norge), som er fordoblet fra knap 6.000 til ca. 13.000."
De skriver också vilken typ av invandring som prioriterats;
"Samlet set fik over 46.000 udlændinge opholdstilladelse i Danmark i fjor, men omkring 30.000 af dem gik til personer, der kom hertil for at arbejde eller studere."
Det är ett utmärkt initiativ att inskränka invandring till nyttiga utlänningar och att undvika att ta in flyktingar från t ex Irak eller andra krigshärdar och katastrof-zoner där folk dör, blir torterade eller journalister blir fängslade.
Jag tycker definitivt detta är något att efterlikna i Sverige också men föreslår att man för en ännu mer liberal flyktingpolitik och utvisar alla gamla, sjuka och arbetslösa svenskar och istället importerar ännu mer kinesisk arbetskraft i sann globaliseringsanda för att stärka svenska företags konkurrenskraft.
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: dubbelmoral, egoism, girighet, rasism
26 January 2007
USA is Good!
Som den utmärkta bloggen "Jihad i Malmö" rapporterar, har USA lagt fram ett förslag i FN om att fördöma förintelseförnekelse och förslaget har redan fått backning av 80 medlemsländer i generalförsamlingen.
Detta är en markering mot den antisemitistiska konferensen i Teheran som hölls i december 2006.
USA visar åter deras starka stöd för FN och medlemsstaternas intressen.
Och som både Kulturrevolution och Erik Svansbo påpekar, det är nödvändigt att stödja Israel i kampen mot ayatollorna i Iran som hotar ta över världen med sina olagliga kärnvapen.
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: dubbelmoral, propaganda, rasism
Guns are Good!
Som jag nämnt tidigare här är militärt stöd till demokratier i mellanöstern avgörande i kriget mot terrorismen.
Som Fredrik Malm så klarsynt formulerar det;
"Grundproblemet är det politiska förtrycket. Förtrycket har skapat grogrunden för extremismen."
Det är därför vapenförsäljning till demokratier som Saudi Arabien, Egypten, Jordanien, Pakistan och Förenade Arabemiraten är nödvändiga för att bekämpa terrorism och extremistiska diktaturer som Syrien, Libanon och Iran.
Så kritiken mot vapenexport till dessa fria liberala demokratier är samma sak som att främja terrorism.
Fredrik Malm säger också;
"Bristen på yttrandefrihet och demokratiskt samtalsklimat gör också att det är svårt att modernisera tolkningarna av Islam så att religionen lever med samtiden. Utvecklingen inom Islam går åt fel håll idag och i Europa är politikerna alldeles för naiva för att förstå nödvändigheten i att bekämpa islamismen. Men religiös fundamentalism går att marginalisera genom att de muslimska länderna demokratiseras."
Ja, politiker i europa är utan tvekan alldeles för naiva att förstå att demokratiserande motverkar islamism, precis som de demokratiska valen i Irak, Saudi Arabien, Egypten, Algeriet och Palestina tydligt visar.
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: marionettdiktaturer, naiv idiot, oljeimperialism, tortyr
25 January 2007
Memri is Good!
I was visiting Fredrik Malms excellent blog and saw that he also have found the informative and eyeopening MEMRI website.
I couldnt imagine a more objective source of information and analysis about arab media than a organization founded by an israeli intelligence veteran, Yigal Carmon and the wife of David Wurmser, Dick Cheneys adviser.
That David Wurmser was one of the people who found the important links between Saddam and Al Qaeda, crucial for the invasion of Iraq, and that he and his wife co-wrote strategy for Netanyahu, adds even more to the credibility of the organization.
That MEMRI in anyway would serve Israeli interests just because its started and run by israelis and founded by a mossad agent, as some leftists suggest, is of course preposterous.
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: memri, mossad, propaganda
24 January 2007
Hennes & Mauritz is Good!
Hennes & Mauritz made a 15.8 billion profit december! Great news and a new victory for globalization and free trade.
"Sweatshops are a natural stage of development"
Johan Norberg - In Defence of Global Capitalism
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: childlabor, girighet, hennes, mauritz, slavarbete
Bush is Good!
In his 2007 state of the union speech he made it clear how important american support of freedom and democracy in the middle east is for combatting muslim sharia dictatorships and terrorism and how the US support of democracy has made the world a safer place.
"Free people are not drawn to violent and malignant ideologies" he said and it is so true, liberal free democracies like the US and Israel are on the forefront of spreading peace and liberty in the arabworld.
He stressed how important US collaboration with peaceful democracies like China is to make the Korean peninsula nuclear arms free just as the US support of UN resolutions against Iran will make sure the middle east also remains free from dangerous nuclear arms that could start a cold war style armsrace in the region.
Bush competent leadership and crusade for world peace, human rights and civil liberties is a model for swedish politicians and would no doubt restore swedens former glory and international reputation if more emulated by swedish politicians.
The Bush administrations close relationship to big business also shows that even if the national state as such is an evil whos influence should be kept at a minimum it can effectively be tamed and led in the right direction.
23 January 2007
ExxonMobil is Good!
I must commend ExxonMobil for their hard work and financial support to organizations like Atlas Economic Research Foundation, who awarded Johan Norberg the distinguished Antony Fisher International Memorial Award for "Defense of Global Capitalism", as well as their generous donations to the Cato intitute who is publishing it in the US.
They also makes valuble finacial contributions to the Heritage Foundation, who publishes works of JohnnyMunkhammar .
Not to mention their loyal support of George Bush and the republican party in a crucial election and their valuble contributions to scientific research countering extremist leftist propaganda.
Im happy to see that swedish thinktanks like Timbro, Captus and publications like NEO are spreading the truth to the swedish population
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: exxon, heritage, johan norberg, munkhammar, timbro
22 January 2007
Bribes are Good!
"SHANGHAI: The police have detained 22 people in a bribery investigation here that has ensnared some of the world's biggest companies, including McDonald's, Whirlpool, McKinsey & Co. and ABB, state-run news media reported Friday."
I dont understand why completely normal business arrangement are considered illegal? The state shouldnt dictate how to run a business, that is best kept in the hands of the corporations themselves.
This is clearly an attack on free enterprise!
And as Johan Norberg points out corporations can be trusted a lot more than governments;
"... an Edelman survey of 3 100 opinion leaders in 18 countries show that corporations gain in popularity and that businesses are now more trusted than governments in every continent."
Although the quoted PR firm Edelman actually said;
"The survey of 3,100 "opinion leaders" in 18 countries by the public relations firm Edelman suggests that corporate governance reforms and the rising wealth of individuals in many developing nations are helping the corporate sector to improve its credibility."
Johan Norberg also fails to mention that;
"NGOs (non-governmental organisations) beat business to the top spot in North America and Europe, with most respondents ranking them as the most trusted institution"
Which is very good news for oilfunded thinktanks who shaped the successful oil liberation in Iraq and organizations of scientists who tell the truth about the nonexistent "climate change".
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: abb, black market, bribes, china, johan norberg, kina, liberalism, nyliberal, nyliberal utopi
The Iraq War is Good!
The oil is liberated from a brutal tyrant!
If now only Iraq open its market to ExxonMobil, ChevronTexaco, BP, Royal Dutch Shell, Lundin Petroleum and other beacons of liberty, the Iraqis could actually get to keep as much as 25% of the oil profits themselves, according to the suggested 30 year production sharing agreement
Then the iraqis could start their own McDonalds franchises with the money and the civil war would soon end and flowers will be spread over the liberators just as predicted.
And then there also would be more oil money over to fund scientific research dismissing the "Global Warming" myth.
Freedom is Good
A survey at Freedomhouse (1) shows that less than half, 47 percent of the world population lives in free countries. And according to the Heritage Foundation(2)
Hong Kong and Singapore are the Top 2 freest economies in the world;
(.. but they are only listed as "partly free" in the freedomhouse survey, giving its assessment of the degree of democracy and freedom in nations. Must be a mistake..)
Singapore, according to Amnesty International, has the world's highest execution rate relative to population size and comes between Russia and Somalia on on 146 when it comes to press freedom.
( Amnesty obviously cant be trusted at all..)
Also an Amnesty report shows that in 2005, 94 per cent of all known executions took place in China, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the USA.
(Considering the long economic ties between Saudi, the US and the West, Saudi surely must have developed into a liberal democracy just as China by now. And all these executions has got to be terrorists and enemies of free liberal democracies, all found guilty of terrible crimes.
- When it comes to Iran they have no excuse, they are in the 'axis of evil'.)
The US has more prisoners per capita than anyone else in the world (715 per 100 000)
(Clearly all successfully captured arab terrorists. Or nationmaster is also wrong.)
Speaking of arabs;
UAE has freest Arab world economy
The UAE, Kuwait and Oman are the Arab world's freest economies, according to a 2005 report. The annual economic freedom report produced by the ExxonMobil funded Cato Institute, a US think tank that promotes liberal economic policies for multinationals, ranked the UAE 16th and Kuwait and Oman 18th out of 123 countries.
(Strange, freedomhouse says UAE and Oman are not free and Kuwait only partly free.. Didnt they liberate Kuwait...?)
Anyway, there is of course a lot of misinformation from Amnesty regarding these free liberal arab countries;
UAE: Death by stoning/ flogging
United Arab Emirates: Harassment of human rights activists must stop
Oman: Further information on fear of torture or ill-treatment
Amnesty clearly doesnt understand how liberal economic freedom automatically leads to freedom and democracy for the population.
They must have been paid by islamist socialists to spread this vile misinformation about these free market economies who also are close US allies.
Just look at China, surely free liberal economies wouldnt enrich China if it was an opressive communist dicatorship?
(1) Freedomhouse is predominantly funded by the United States government (United States who themselves rank number 53 in the Worldwide press freedom index, after Tonga) And share number 20 with Chile and Belgium in corruption
(2) Beer baron Joseph Coors contributed a quarter-million dollars to launch The Heritage Foundation 1973. (And he wasnt at all deliriously drunk at the time, as some socialists suggests)
And by 2006 The Heritage Foundation made it to number 8 on the "101 People Who Are Really Screwing America" list. (What a terrible thing to say..)
And the same year the Foundation established the Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom.
(Yes, Margaret Thatcher who liberated the Falkland Islands (clearly british territory) and also liberated many british workers from both their rights and their jobs. And also managed to liberate many unemployed people from their homes.)
In the 1980s and early 1990s, the Heritage Foundation was a key architect and advocate of the "Reagan Doctrine", under which the United States government supported anti-Communist resistance movements in such places as Afghanistan, Angola, Cambodia and Nicaragua and generally supported global anti-communism during the Cold War.
(And it was NOT any genocide at ALL!! And the Talibans where the good guys back then)
The Heritage Foundation has continued to be an active voice in foreign affairs and has been generally supportive of President George W. Bush's highly successful foreign policies.
The Heritage Foundation also played a key role in building support for Reagan's plans to build an orbital ballistic missile shield, known as the "Strategic Defense Initiative". (Now apparently outsourced to liberal democratic China)
China is Good!
"A Cornell research team's report that measures workers' rights in China against international labor standards finds such serious violations as forced labor, child labor, discrimination against women and rural workers and virtually no freedom of association -- but also small pockets where change is beginning to happen."
China is a model when it comes to handling workers unions and extremists who demand "workers rights" as we have seen lately with the fascist attack on a small swedish business called Wild’n Fresh.
There is a lot to learn for Sweden for example who has a deep economic relationship with China.
China, for example, makes very good use of their prisoners, they had at least 1100 laborcamps in 1999 and the prisoners organ are sold on the free market. Something Sweden definitely should emulate.
Not to mention Chinas Golden Shield that has given wonderful business opportunities to swedish companies like ericsson.
And think about all the children at christmas time if it wasnt for cheap chinese toys..
"Kina kommer inom några år gå om USA som världens största ekonomi"
Johan Norberg föreläsning på Malmö högskola
Childlabor is Good!
"NEW DELHI - A new report says an estimated 12,375 children continue to work under terrible conditions on cottonseed farms in the southern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh which supply their produce to multinational corporations (MNCs) like Bayer and Monsanto, in defiance of last year's promises to eradicate child labor."
Great news! 12 375 children are no longer unemployed.
As a believer in the free market I definitely think multinational companies alone should have the freedom to decide the age, the work hours and the salary.
Besides a 14 hour workday builds character and child obesity is effectively reduced.
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: barnarbete, childlabor
21 January 2007
Chávez is Bad!
Reading the excellent blog of Johan Norberg i found an interesting post about Venezuela´s Hugo Chávez a leadership role in the region. Johan Norberg states that he is as unpopular as Bush according to this year´s Latinobarómetro;
"How ironic then, that 39 percent of the Latin Americans dislike Chávez - exatcly the same proportion who dislikes Bush (and Chávez´ approval rating is even lower than Bush´s)."
First I must say that despite my great admiration for Johan Norberg I dont agree that Bush is unpopular, after all, Bush has won two elections, liberated Iraqs oil from a brutal dictator to a free market and is winning the war on terror. So even if Bush has some minor setbacks at the moment history will prove him right, and after all the mission is accomplished and the oil is free.
And reading the Latinobarómetro report i couldnt help notice, contrary to Johan Norbergs conclusion, how much support Chávez has among the socialists.
For example; asked if they have a good or very good economic situation. 40% of Venezuelans said yes, thats in third place after Argentina and Brasil.
Venezuela is also number one with 47% on the question "Here everyone has the same chance to get out of poverty" Costa Rica is second with 43% and Argentina at the bottom with 19%
Answering who is percieved as having most civil liberties the Dominican republic is number one with 67% and Venezuela on second place at 63%
Answering 'on a scale between 1 and ten where do you place your country in terms of democracy' Uruguay comes first with '7,2' (62%) and Venezuela second with '7' (55%).
On the statement "here the government only governs for the good of the whole people" 50% of Venezualans agree and on second place Uruguay with 43%
The government is seeking the welbeing of the population? Venezuela comes third with 72%
.....You get the picture?
I dont know why Johan Norberg wants us to think that the Latinamericans are less socialistic and supportive of Chávez than they really are and I think its time to follow the great former head of Office of Special Plans, Douglas Feiths advice and liberate Latinamerica from the commie threat.
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: chavez, johan norberg, propaganda, statistik manipulation
Global Warming is Good!
Hawking: Climate Change Worse Than Terror
"Doomsday Clock" Ha ha ha! Good one, Stephen!
The polar cap isnt melting and the "Global Warming" is a myth just as several scientists have proven!
And even if it was true, it would be nicer with a warmer climate here in Sweden. A few hurricanes and Gothenburg below sea level, is a cheap price to pay for a mediterranian climate!
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: global warming, växthuseffekten
Public Service Television is Good (Not)
Lars Adaktusson concludes that politicians sometimes interfere and control tv shows in swedish state owned television.
I investigated it, and to my disgust i found out that he is absolutely right - the state actually owns state television! Or rather a Quango owns it.
Terrible isnt it?
We should immediatly sell it to Rupert Murdoch so it will become as Fair and Balanced as Fox News.
18 January 2007
Globalisation is good
"Globalisation is Good" is now for sale on DVD at SEK 129 from Timbro. But why pay for it when you can watch it liberated from any fees, right here:
Nyliberal Utopi