Från Johan Norbergs recension av "Chockdoktrinen"
"Naomi Klein för till torgs en väldigt ny och annorlunda konspirationsteori som går ut på att demonstranterna på Himmelska Fridens torg dom var egentligen drivna av motvilja mot de ekonomiska liberala reformerna.
Och Deng Xiaoping angrep dom,sköt ner dom, körde över dom därför att att han ville försvara sina reformer.
"Well, you should check my facts, just like you should have checked Klein´s and her reviewers´ (why didn´t you?). Just go ahead. And let me know exactly what´s wrong if you find something. General skepticism isn´t enough."
Wang Hui synar Johan Norbergs faktafel:
"For Wang, the problems associated with China’s uneven development were first identified by the demonstrators in Tiananmen Square in 1989. Wang himself was one of the last protesters to leave the square on the morning of June 4, 1989, as the tanks of the People’s Liberation Army closed in. Normally rather brisk and matter-of-fact, he grew animated as he described in fluent, if occasionally idiosyncratic, English how a “broad social movement” began to grow out of the distress caused by the shock therapy of market reforms.
On the night of June 3, when the tanks and armored cars charged through Beijing, killing hundreds of unarmed resisters and injuring thousands more, Wang was among those assembled in the center of Tiananmen Square. He could hear the gunfire, but some of the more radical among the students still refused to leave.
About 200 million of the rural population are crowding the cities and towns in search of low-paying jobs. More than four million Chinese participated in the 87,000 protests recorded in 2005, and these statistics may not fully convey the rage and discontent of Chinese living with one of the world’s highest income inequalities and deteriorating health and education systems, as well as the arbitrary fees and taxes imposed by local party officials. Much of this, Wang said, could be laid at the feet of the “right-wing radicals” or neoliberal economists who cite Milton Friedman and Friedrich Hayek (advocates of unregulated markets who inspired Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher in the 80’s) and who argue for China’s integration into the global economy without taking into account the social price of mass privatization. And it is they, Wang added, who have held favor with the ruling elite and have dominated the state-run media."
China’s New Leftist
Vilken kommunistpropaganda!
DN1 Dn2 DN3 Aftonbladet Johan Norberg Timbro Hax
19 December 2007
Avklädningschock för Johan Norberg
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: fakta, johan norberg, kina, naomi klein, nyliberal, nyliberal utopi, nyliberalism, timbro