"After the US was attacked by Sunni extremists (Al-Qaeda) on 9/11, the US invaded secular Iraq. The invasion helped empower Shiite Iran and the Shiite factions within Iraq.
Now, afraid of the rise of Iran and the Lebanese Shiite militia Hezbollah, the US is trying to counter these Shiite forces by supporting Sunnis.
These Sunni groups include the Saudi Arabian government, and militia groups inside Lebanon who actually trained at Al-Qaeda camps."
Lying Media Bastards/Seymore Hersh
The Iran-Qaeda Scandal
Outside View: Latest Middle East irony
U.S. policy redirection: Divide Sunnis & Shias, win the Sunnis
Redirection: A strategic shift in U.S. Middle East Strategy
The Bush Adminstration's New Strategy for Setting the Middle East Aflame
05 March 2007
Al Qaeda is Good!
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: al qaeda, global war, terrorism, trippelmoral, us hegemony