Johan Norberg denies that there is growing poverty in the US and says that people who claim there is are paranoid and part of the problem.
And I couldnt agree more. Its the people claiming that globalization would somehow increase income gaps and economical inequality that are making people poorer, not neoliberal free trade, and these critics should be arrested and sent to Gitmo! It should be criminal to criticize neo-liberal globalization!
People saying things like these;
"The percentage of poor Americans who are living in severe poverty has reached a 32-year high, millions of working Americans are falling closer to the poverty line and the gulf between the nation's "haves" and "have-nots" continues to widen.
A McClatchy Newspapers analysis of the 2005 census figures, the latest available, found that nearly 16 million Americans are living in deep or severe poverty. A family of four with two children and an annual income of less than $9,903 - half the federal poverty line - was considered severely poor in 2005. So were individuals who made less than $5,080 a year.
He also calls it "trade union agitation". Yes trade unions are bad and destroying free trade, just look how bad the Swedish economy has suffered because of strong trade unions under the socialdemocrats and trade unions will surely destroy the Chinese economy as well, despite all attempts to fight it.
Multinational corporations are the ones who should decide how much they want to pay in salary, not the workers, the state or any silly human rights activists!
Workers organized in terrorist "unions" are hurting the profit of these multinationals and also my personal investments making my stocks fall.
So Johan Norberg and Dick Cheney are right in lobbying against trade unions and "fair trade" just as right as with global warming...
Andra bloggar om: liberalism, neoliberalism, nyliberal utopi, globalisering, globalization, johan norberg, tco
15 March 2007
But Facts are ...
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: globalisering, globalization, johan norberg, liberalism, neoliberalism, nyliberal utopi, tco