"Och vart flyr de?"
PJ Anders Linder - SvD
Jo, de som inte gillar fattigdomen och förtrycket på Kuba flyr till det underbara fria rika Florida;
Florida farmworkers take aim at McDonald's
A coalition of migrant farmworkers is taking its fight against wages that leave U.S. tomato pickers in deep poverty to the home of McDonald's Corp., the world's largest restaurant company.
Help Us Abolish Sweatshops in Florida's Fields!
There is today a human rights crisis in Florida's fields. But this
human rights crisis does not begin and end with slavery. Rather,
slavery is only the most extreme form of the sweatshop conditions that exist throughout Florida's agricultural industry where workers toil from dawn to dusk for sub-poverty wages at a piece rate that hasn't changed significantly in nearly 30 years, with no right to overtime pay, no health insurance, no sick leave, no paid vacation or pension, and no right to organize if they would hope to improve these conditions.
On this anniversary of the signing of the 13th Amendment, the CIW is announcing an important new action in our campaign to abolish slavery and sweatshops in Florida agriculture.
Tell McDonald's to Ensure Fair Wages for Farm Workers
Farm workers who pick tomatoes for McDonald's sandwiches earn 40 to 50 cents for every 32-pound bucket of tomatoes they pick. Workers who toil from dawn to dusk without the right to overtime pay or any benefits must pick two tons of tomatoes to earn $50 in one day. As a major buyer of Florida tomatoes, McDonald's high-volume, low-cost purchasing practices place downward pressure on farm worker wages, putting corporate profits before human dignity.
Florida State students arrested for protesting outside 'free-speech areas'
Twelve Florida State University students were arrested on trespassing charges after protesting what they say is the university's support of sweatshops.
"Low wage "sweatshops" are a normal and necessary step in the process of economic development."
Johan Norberg
Är USA också ett U-Land som verkligen behöver detta "nödvändiga steg" för sin ekonomiska utveckling?
05 March 2007
PJ Anders Linder is Good!
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: china, kina, kuba, naiv idiot, svd, sweatshops, utopia