As a firm believer in globalisationism I think it´s time to abolish the concept of a national defense.
Firstly I think that nations and states where people are forced to live under the rule of a government is oppression, and the extended arm of that oppression is the national army.
For what is a government if not just a parasite on the heavily taxed corporations ?
And an army would do better protecting the interests of multinational corporations rather than parasitic national governments.
So the army should be liberated from the claws of the state and released to the free market and sold out just as all other state owned entities.
A private army wouldn´t have to be restricted to sit idly and wait for an enemy to cross the borders, it could go fight anywhere and with anyone in the world, if the price was right.
Secondly, having a large national defense and no enemy is complete waste of money and resources. The national defense could be turned into a successful money maker in the hands of a private entrepreneur instead of the economic burden it is at the moment.
Privatization would also mean that the restrictions of national laws and anti-capitalistic international conventions could be circumvented.
Plus the risk of terrorist attacks against Sweden as a result of our assistance to the American Global EmpireTM in their War on TerrorTM could also be avoided if the army was operating as a privateer instead of a national army.
Restrictions on arms sales should also be lifted. The arms industry is a highly profitable business that employs millions of people so arms should be sold to anyone on the free market without any restrictions, that would stimulate the market and increase demand for military services globally.
Two excellent examples of how a private corporate army could look like is "Blackwater USA" and "Corporate Warriors". And recruiting would be very easy with so many of our fine young potential mercenaries playing 'Counter Strike' 24 hours a day.
Andra bloggar om: global war, liberalism, nyliberal utopi, privatisering, privatization, nyliberal, capitalism
09 March 2007
Corporate Warriors are Good!
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: capitalism, global war, liberalism, nyliberal, nyliberal utopi, privatisering, privatization