A bit old news but still;
"28 Feb, 2007 BEJING: China's communist leaders have no plans to allow democracy in the near future because they must focus on economic development before political reform, premier Wen Jiabao said in comments published on Tuesday.
Democracy will emerge once a "mature socialist system" develops but that might not happen for up to 100 years, Wen wrote in an article in the People's Daily, the main Communist Party newspaper.
The premier, China's No. 3 leader, said the country is "still far from advancing out of the primary stage of socialism. We must adhere to party's basic guidelines of the primary stage of socialism for 100 years."
"A highly developed democracy and a complete legal system are inherent requirements of the socialist system and important symbols of a mature socialist system," Wen said."
Thats strange... I thought free trade would transform China into a capitalist liberal democracy... silly me.
Then wouldnt that mean that the biggest economy in the world would be a communist dictatorship? Now thats quite a comeback for communism after the fall of the Soviet Union!
Marxism also seems to be in vogue in San Fransisco and there is quite a lot happening in South America as well...
15 March 2007
Democracy in China 100 years away
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: china, free trade, frihandel, kina, naiv idiot, nyliberal utopi