Michael: - I came up with this thing I call "The Atomic Ayatollahs"
Me: - Thats a great name for a punkband. (Or maybe a b-movie script.)
Michael: - No, its a sort of paranoid psychodrama with hitler, terrorism, religion and some history thrown in for good measure.
Me: - Ok. Sound interesting. No porn?
Michael: - No, no no! Now, Im really offended. You dont take me serious do you?
Me: - Sorry. Go on, id like to hear it!
Michael: - Ok;
"Less than 1,000 miles east of Tel Aviv a new Auschwitz is being prepared, as the world looks on and does virtually nothing to stop it. Instead of the gas chambers being fired up, centrifuges are being installed. In place of Zyklon-B gas, the agent of choice is now uranium."
Me: - Great start, although the plot is kind of old, now what happens? Rambo returns or what?
"And while the language spoken by its architects may be different, the threat to the future of the Jewish people, and that of the entire Western world, is no less grave than it was six decades ago in Europe."
Me: - Oh no, not that again. Im sorry, Michael, but you have got to do better than that.
Michael (irritated by my lack of response):
"Indeed, with each passing day the would-be Hitler of Persia draws perilously closer to his goal of obtaining a nuclear arsenal, threatening everyone, and everything, that all of us hold dear. The press loves to mock the Iranian president, portraying him as a nut, a kook, and a fanatic. But I take him at his word. He has made quite clear what his objective is, telling us over and over again that he plans to eliminate Israel and destroy the West."
Me: - You havent thought of learning to play the guitar or painting or something similar? (Hitler of Persia would be a great artist name)
Michael (Red in the face, sweating, in a high pitched voice):
"It is time for Israel or the US to bomb Iran now. Not next week, next month, or next summer, but now. As quickly and as hard and as painfully as possible."
Me: - Are you having some sort of an attack? Can I help you? Where do you keep your medicine?
14 February 2007
"Atomic Ayatollahs"
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: Atomic Ayatollah, Hitler of Persia