Adolf H Lundins company has a hard time. Not only are they attacked for their lack of social responsibility and complicity in human rights abuses in Darfur and Somalia, the Iranians are cancelling contracts with Lundin Mining, and now they are apparently targeted as being among the worlds 12 biggest terrorist sponsors too - according to the "Center for Security Policy"
(Good ol´Doug Feith is a member, no wonder he has problems with the "Adolf H"..)
"Lundin Petroleum of Sweden has ties to the oil industries of Iran and Sudan. The company's Iran projects are largely overshadowed, however, by its Sudan concessions that have been the subject of significant criticism and scrutiny.
In Iran, Lundin reportedly maintains a 30% non-operating interest in the country's Munir oil block in the Khuzestan region. In September 2003, the company announced that it had spent some $2.1 million that year on oil exploration activities in the country."
The motivation for this dubious honor ?;
"Lundin's activities place it on the "Dirty Dozen" list for the following reasons:
* Revenues: In the coming years, Lundin will help generate significant revenues for the governments of Iran and Sudan. Such hard currency revenues pave the way for Iran to accelerate its dangerous weapons of mass destruction program and for both countries to continue supporting terrorism with impunity.
* Moral and Political Cover: A company's willingness to partner with terrorist-sponsoring states diminishes the stigma associated with dangerous government policies. In the case of Lundin, the company is apparently willing to retain interests in a country recently denounced by the U.S. Congress for genocidal attacks on its own Christian, animist and black Muslim populations."
Come on! Terrorism is good for business!! Even the CIA and Saudi finance terrorism. Hell, even Israel funded Hamas!
And who made it illegal to do business with dictators and terrorists anyway?
Or is it perhaps bad...!? Statoil too ? Golly, I get so confused by all this...
Jag frågade Calle om det men han har inte släppt igenom min kommentar än trots att jag nog var en av de tre första att kommentera idag...hmm, konstigt?! Det kan väl inte vara så att han censurerar min oskyldiga lilla fråga? carl bildt
28 February 2007
Lundin Petroleum is Good!
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: carl bildt, Center for Security Policy, lundin petroleum, oljeimperialism