Det är inte bara i Sverige fack-maffian sprider hat, även Kina har börjat infiltreras av anti-kapitalistska terrorister, ett stort antal andra västföretag hotas av nya regleringar på den annars så guldkantade Kinesiska marknaden ;
"Action Plan for Labor Contracts
In April, the ACFTU, Ministry of Labor and Social Security and China Enterprise Directors Association unveiled the Three-Year Action Plan for the Promotion of the Labor Contract System. Under the plan, all enterprises across the country are required to sign contracts with their employees within three years from 2006 to 2008. The signing rate for 2006 is expected to reach 80 percent.
In April, the ACFTU issued a document unveiling protection measures for migrant workers. The document calls on trade unions to protect migrant workers at source, guarantee their right to join and form trade unions, and recruit the majority of workers into trade unions. In 2006, trade unions around the country shall recruit 6.5 million migrant workers and the number is expected to reach 70 percent by the year 2008. "
Till och med Wal-Mart som annars alltid lyckats vinna kampen mot maffia-facket, har attackerats...;
Wal-Mart vs. All-China Federation of Trade Unions
Wal-Mart, the biggest retailer in the world, has become the target of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU), for refusing to establish trade unions in its branches in China.
...och trots hårt motstånd, förlorat;
"Wal-Mart's recent agreement to recognize unions in China has made headlines worldwide. But Wal-Mart and other corporations, including Google, UPS, Microsoft, Nike, AT&T, and Intel, have acted through the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai (AmCham) and other industry associations to try to block Chinese legislation that would significantly increase the power and protection of workers."
Detta är ju i nivå med fackets militanta attack på Wild n Fresh..
Det är socialistiska hat-propagandister och anti-kapitalistiska terrorister som Neil Kearney, generalsekreterare på ITGLWF som sprider villfarelser och lögner..;
“Socially responsible corporations should be trying to help to raise the standards of workers around the world. They should not be trying to prevent governments from adopting laws to protect their workers”.
... som är mänsklighetens fiende nummer ett och hotar hela världens utveckling.
Företag ska inte ta något socialt ansvar, dom ska bara öka vinsten till varje pris och Kina pressar ju ner lönenivån globalt så att alla företag gynnas...;
"The ability to hire cheap labor in China has put downward pressure on wages and workers' conditions around the globe. China plays a key role in setting global wage norms.
It is the linchpin of what Morgan Stanley chief economist Stephen Roach has called “global labor arbitrage” in which corporations move from one labor market to another to take advantage of cheaper labor.
The result is a global “race to the bottom” in which workers and their communities are put into competition with each other to see who can provide the lowest-cost labor and the most corporate-friendly conditions."
Och det är ju så hela världen kommer att bli rikare och fattigdom utrotas - genom konkurrens om vem som har de lägsta lönerna och ha den mest företagsvänliga, anti-fackföreningsmässiga lagstiftningen.
21 February 2007
Trade Unions are Bad!
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: china, fackföreningar, kina, trade unions