Antisemitiska nynazistiska terroristkramare "protesterar" mot Israels fullständigt lagliga och demokratiska frihetsmur igen...
"Near the front of the crowd was Uri Avnery, 83, a former Israeli MP and one of the better known activists on the Israeli left. "This village is unique even in Palestine because it is the only village that has the guts to fight against the wall actively every single week," he said.
"Israeli public opinion does not know anything about it, they don't want to know anything about it. We want to compel them to take notice that this so-called security obstacle has nothing to do at all with security. This is a wall which is robbing the villagers of most of their land and giving this land to Israeli settlers on the other side."
Att dom bara orkar..
24 February 2007
Walls are Good!
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: apartheid, propaganda, rasism