Att Bin Laden är bra för vapenindustrin är väl inga nyheter, men terrorism kan vara väldigt användbart på flera områden;
"US funds terror groups to sow chaos in Iran
Funding for their separatist causes comes directly from the CIA's classified budget but is now "no great secret", according to one former high-ranking CIA official in Washington who spoke anonymously to The Sunday Telegraph.
His claims were backed by Fred Burton, a former US state department counter-terrorism agent, who said: "The latest attacks inside Iran fall in line with US efforts to supply and train Iran's ethnic minorities to destabilise the Iranian regime."
A row has also broken out in Washington over whether to "unleash" the military wing of the Mujahedeen-e Khalq (MEK), an Iraq-based Iranian opposition group with a long and bloody history of armed opposition to the Iranian regime."
Hmm, MEK är ju terrorister enligt amerikanska State Department;
"Iraq continued to provide safehaven and support to a variety of Palestinian rejectionist groups, as well as bases, weapons, and protection to the Mujahedin-e-Khalq (MEK), an Iranian terrorist group that opposes the current Iranian regime."
Så det är ju lite intressant att de använder samma terrorist grupp som ursäkt att både invadera Irak och attackera Iran.
Och det är ju inte allt man kan ha en terroristgrupp till..
Sen är det ju olagligt enligt The Terrorist Financing Executive Order;
"The President has directed the first strike on the global terror network today by issuing an Executive Order to starve terrorists of their support funds. The Order expands the Treasury Department’s power to target the support structure of terrorist organizations, freeze the U.S. assets and block the U.S. transactions of terrorists and those that support them.."
Ska dom frysa CIAs tillgångar nu?
27 February 2007
Terrorism is Good!
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: blackops, global war, terrorism, war propaganda