The Heritage Foundation is visiting Stockholm today to present the "2007 index of Economical Freedom".
From the Heritage Foundation report we can learn that Chile is freer than Sweden, El Salvador is freer than Norway, that communist dictatorship China is freer than post-communist Russia and that Singapore is way freer than any Scandinavian country.
Sweden too has a lot to learn from El Salvador when it comes to dealing with trade unions as the example of Wild n Fresh clearly indicates.
The conclusion is clear, Norway got to shape up if they want to become as free as El Salvador and all Scandinavian countries have got to make a huge effort to become as free as Singapore.
More on Heritage and Economical Freedom here
07 February 2007
Slavery is Good!
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: captus, childlabor, freedom, heritage foundation, oil funded thinktanks