It´s interesting to look back a few years and see how public perception of "Good vs Evil" has evolved. It would probably be hard to get funding for a Hollywood blockbuster with this plot nowadays;
John Rambo's former Vietnam superior, Colonel Samuel Trautman, has been assigned to lead a mission to help the Mujahedeen rebels who are fighting the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, but the Buddhist Rambo turns down Trautman's request that Rambo help out. When the mission goes belly up and Trautman is kidnapped and tortured by Russian Colonel Zaysen, Rambo launches a rescue effort and allies himself with the Mujahedeen rebels and gets their help in trying to rescue Trautman from Zaysen.
But maybe with a few adjustments..
"Operations planned to convey selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence
their emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately the behaviour of foreign governments,
organizations, groups, and individuals."
12 February 2007
Psyops are Good?
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: psyops, war propaganda