Blogge Bloggelito vs Thom Hartmann
Blogge Bloggelito;
"..demokrati är en oundviklig följd av kapitalismens verkningar under en längre tid – kapitalismen skapar en stabil medelklass som förr eller senare kommer att ställa krav på politisk förändring av ett slag som en diktatur inte förmår leverera."
Thom Hartmann;
"Free market ideology; a variety of practices to drive down the cost of labor -- from destruction of the union movement to encouragement of immigration, both legal and illegal; and the promotion of the idea that democratic institutions are an aberration, that vast wealth is the natural order of things in the human and animal kingdoms."
"Air America host Thom Hartmann provides an exhaustive argument that America's backbone and lifeblood -- its middle class -- is vanishing. (Or being cast out, set aside, and methodically destroyed, depending on your perspective.)
Hartmann blends current affairs with a vital crash course in history to demonstrate the ways in which -- under 25 years of right-wing wonkery -- working people, once treasured as the foundation of our economy, are now neglected to the point of extinction. Through concrete examples of laws passed, unions busted and programs dismantled, Hartmann reminds us how, since Reagan's 1980 ascension to the throne, conservative policiticans have done little except "conserve" their own wealth- and power-grubbing interests."
25 February 2007
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: myter, nyliberal, propaganda, råkapitalism