The declassified report on the investigation of undersecretary of defense Douglas Feith´s Office of Special Plans is released today. (The same Douglas Feith who suggested bombing Latin America as a response to 9/11)
Douglas Feith, a devout zionist, has been under investigation for manufacturing misleading evidence linking Al Qaeda and Saddam to justify the invasion of Iraq.
The Pentagon Office of Special Plans was the center of intel gathering (or Gestapo Office as Colin Powell called it) linking Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda.
From the Washington Post;
"Feith, who was defense policy chief before leaving the government in 2005, was one of the key contributors to the administration's rationale for war. His intelligence activities, authorized by then-Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and his deputy, Paul D. Wolfowitz, and coordinated with Vice President Cheney's office, stemmed from an administration belief that the CIA was underplaying evidence of then-Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein's ties with al-Qaeda."
"The report find "reporting of dubious quality or reliability"
"Feith's assessment in 2002 that Iraq and al-Qaeda had a "mature symbiotic relationship" was not fully supported by available intelligence but was nonetheless used by policymakers."
"It stated that the office produced intelligence assessments "inconsistent" with the U.S. intelligence community consensus"
"In particular, the summary cited the defense policy office's preparation of slides describing as a "known contact" an alleged 2001 meeting in Prague between Mohamed Atta, the leader of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, and an Iraqi intelligence officer.
That claim figured heavily in statements by Cheney and other senior administration officials alleging a link between al-Qaeda and the Iraqi regime, but it has since been discredited."
Vice chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Jay Rockefeller;
“The IG has concluded that this office was engaged in intelligence activities. The Senate Intelligence Committee was never informed of these activities. Whether these actions were authorized or not, it appears that they were not in compliance with the law.
Douglas Feith wrote in strategy paper for Netanyahu, "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm";
"Israel can shape its strategic environment, in cooperation with Turkey and Jordan, by weakening, containing, and even rolling back Syria. This effort can focus on removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq — an important Israeli strategic objective in its own right — as a means of foiling Syria’s regional ambitions."
The elaborate plan was to win the hearts and minds of the liberated iraqi shiite majority, put Ahmed Chalabi in power as the new leader of a Israel friendly Iraq, change the flag to slightly more Israeli looking and claim the oil for the US and Israel.
Now, it didnt quite work out the way it was intended. Oh well next time ..
(Funny "coincidence", you might have noticed the names Meyrav and David Wurmser on the strategy for Netanyahu, the same Israeli citizen Meyrav Wurmser who started MEMRI together with Yigal Carmon and the same David Wurmser who was advisor to Cheney and worked for Douglas Feiths Office of Special Plans.)
08 February 2007
Dreams are Good!
Nyliberal Utopi