That Israel is under attack from vicious antisemites is nothing new but that some of the worst neo-nazis are jewish might come as a surprise to some.
From the attendance of Neturei Karta at the international conference on the Holocaust in Teheran to websites like Jews not Zionists and Jews against Zionism these jewish neonazis are on the march and The American Jewish Committee (A Century of Leadership) has a new report called "'Progressive' Jewish Thought and the New Anti-Semitism." where the focus is on the widespread antisemitism among progressive as well as orthodox jews.
That Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East and promotes free speech around the world unlike the Islamists, doesnt seem to convince them of the good nature and humanitarianism of the peaceful zionist state.
Here are even more jewish neonazi organizations;
Gush-Shalom, ACRI, Jewish Voices for Peace, Brit Tzedek, Tikkun.
01 February 2007
Israel is Good!
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: amnesty, human rights watch, israel, sionism