CUF´s Magnus Andersson drar upp det gamla Kubakortet ur ärmen igen.
Har han fortfarande inte insett värdet av diktaturer för att hålla folk i schack? (Med risk att upprepa mig;)
Sveriges Kinahandel
"I och med (Kommunistdiktaturen) Kinas inträde i WTO får landet en än viktigare roll internationellt och landet är i dag världens fjärde största ekonomi. Sveriges ekonomiska förbindelser med (Kommunistdiktaturen) Kina befinner sig i ett dynamiskt skede. (Kommunistdiktaturen) Kina är Sveriges största asiatiska handelspartner sedan våren 2003."
"Communist leaders have no plans to allow democracy in the near future because they must focus on economic development before political reform, China's No. 3 leader said in comments published Tuesday.
Democracy will emerge once a "mature socialist system" develops but that might not happen for up to 100 years, Premier Wen Jiabao wrote in an article in the People's Daily, the main Communist Party newspaper."
Kommunistdiktatur is Good! Till skillnad från dessa hemska socialister som protesterade på Himmelska fridens torg;
China's New Left calls for a social alternative
"For Wang, the problems associated with China's uneven development were first identified by the demonstrators in Tiananmen Square in 1989. Wang himself was one of the last protesters to leave the square on the morning of June 4, 1989, as the tanks of the People's Liberation Army closed in. Normally rather brisk and matter-of-fact, he grew animated as he described in fluent, if occasionally idiosyncratic, English how a "broad social movement" began to grow out of the distress caused by the shock therapy of market reforms."
07 November 2007
Kommunister och demokrati
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: astroturfing, centerjugend, cuba, CUF, dubbelmoral, frihandel, kuba, Magnus andersson, naiv idiot, neoliberalism, nyliberal, propaganda, skitsnack, slavelabor, unionbusting