Algeria plans solar power cable to Germany "ALGIERS, Nov 14 (Reuters) - An Algerian company is planning to build a power cable to Germany to export solar-generated electricity from the Sahara, a state-owned newspaper reported on Wednesday."
# A 92 mile by 92 mile area of desert filled with CSP plants could power the U.S
# Around 0.3% of Sahara could power Europe, Middle East and North Africa
# CSP can combat water shortages, avoid future humanitarian disasters
# U.S. solar industry threatened by upcoming Energy Bill
After oil and gas, Sahara sunshine?
"ALGIERS, Algeria --It's a vision that has long enticed energy planners: solar panels stretching out over vast swaths of the Sahara desert, soaking up sun to generate clean, green power.
Now Algeria, aware that its oil and gas riches will one day run dry, is gearing up to tap its sunshine on an industrial scale for itself and even Europe.
Work on its first plant began late last month at Hassi R'mel, 260 miles south of Algiers, the capital. The plant will be a hybrid, using both sun and natural gas to generate 150 megawatts. Of that, 25 megawatts will come from giant parabolic mirrors stretching over nearly 2 million square feet -- roughly 45 football fields."
In the Sahara desert, with less cloud cover and a better solar angle, one can obtain closer to 83 W/m². The unpopulated area of the Sahara desert is over 9 million km², which if covered with solar panels would provide 750 terawatts total. The Earth's current energy consumption is around 13.5 terawatts at any given moment (including oil, gas, coal, nuclear, and hydroelectric power).
Vilken skit! Det är mycket mer macho med kärnkraft, kol och olja, vem vill åka omkring i en bögig el-bil anyway? Och ska nu en massa beduiner ta över världen, såna som dom inte ens släpper in i EU? Nä, fy fan!
Jinge SvD
18 November 2007
Sahara Sucks!
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: global warming, peak oil, solar energy, växthuseffekten