A New World Order (Paperback)
by Anne-Marie Slaughter (Great Name!) "THE BEST EVIDENCE OF THE DISAGGREGATED STATE .."
"Breaking new ground in international relations theory, Slaughter urges readers to lose their "conceptual blind spot" and see how the world really works. Scholars, pundits and policymakers, she writes, have traditionally seen nations as "unitary"—that is, as single entities that "articulate and pursue a single national interest." In fact, she says, we would do better to focus on government networks, both horizontal and vertical. Horizontal networks link counterpart national officials across borders, such as police investigators or financial regulators. Vertical networks are relationships between a nation's officials and some supranational organization to which they have ceded authority, such as the European Court of Justice. Networks, she says, are the solution to the "globalization paradox":
The world needs global governance to combat problems that jump borders, like crime and environmental degradation, and yet most people fear—rightly, Slaughter implies—the idea of a centralized, all-powerful world government."
» Task Force Report #58 Anne-Marie Slaughter, Carl Bildt and Kazuo Ogura The Trilateral Commission (2004)
» Racism and the market-state
» 'Everything we think about the wars on terror is wrong'
» CIA; The Nation-State's Changing Role
14 November 2007
Marknadsstaten is Good!
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: "crazy conspiracy theories", diktaturkapitalism, neofascism, new world order, the market state