Top security official says China will deal harshly with Olympics protesters
BEIJING (AP) - Chinese police will deal harshly with social or political demonstrations at the Beijing Olympics, a top security official said Friday.
With 28,000 journalists expected to attend, the Aug. 8-24 Olympics offer a rare chance for protesters to express grievances against China's communist government on issues including religious freedom, Tibetan independence and global warming.
Defending the measures, Liu said the protest clampdown at Olympic sites is in line with the Olympic charter, which he said forbids "any form of political, religious or racial demonstration.''
His assistant, Cao Dongxiang, said protesters who managed to get inside a venue would be dealt with quickly.
"If a protester holds up a banner, it's against the rules, so security will take it down,'' Cao said.
Laogai Research Foundation News
Black Market Organs
Brutal Persecution
17 November 2007
Ordning och Reda!
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: "riktigsolidaritet", china, diktaturkapitalism, fascism, kina, kommunistdiktatur, nyliberal utopi