"The big story in Dagens Nyheter today is that thousands of Swedes will die every year because of higher temperatures. That´s correct, but shouldn´t they also write about the thousands of deaths from cold that will be avoided?
As Bjørn Lomborg points out in his new book Cool it! (now in Swedish) each year 200,000 Europeans die each year because from excess heat, but many more - 1.5 million - die from excess cold. In the UK an increase in temperature by 2 degrees will probably result in another 2,000 deaths from heat, but in 20,000 fewer deaths from cold."
Global warming is a nice bi-product of economic growth and should be seen as a blessing rather than something to fear! I mean who doesnt want a warmer climate?
In these cold wintry times im sure a lot of scandinavians would welcome a little global warming and think about how it would prevent a lot of broken bones in the ski slopes, frozen fingers plus lower heating costs!
Global warming is Good!
27 November 2007
Global Warming Saves Lives!
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: exxonmobil, johan norberg, koch oil, lomborg, neoliberal, neoliberalism, nyliberal, nyliberalism, oil funded thinktanks, oilpuppets, propaganda