Year of the Rat - Lucky Money Collection
(First Day of Sale – November 9, 2007) -- Price $5.95 - Celebrate the coming Chinese Lunar New Year with our newest addition to the Lucky Money Collection, the “Year of the Rat.” This Lucky Money Note package features an uncirculated $1 note with a serial number beginning with “666.”
The "Money" Factory
(Rat people are endowed with great leadership skills and are perhaps the most organized and systematic of the twelve signs. Intelligent and cunning at the same time, rats are highly ambitious and strong-willed people who are keen and unapologetic promoters of their own agendas, which often include money and power.)
M&C Crane & Co
18 November 2007
Year of the Rat
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: china, dollar, funny money, kina, monopol, petrodollar