Johan Norberg;"The neo-protectionists in the US are actually correct: The American middle-class is slowly disappearing in the era of globalisation. The share of households with a middle-class income between $35,000 and $75,000 shrank from 33.8 to 32.8 percent.
"But it´s not because they become poorer, it´s because they become richer, as Dan Griswold points out in a new study."
Yes, it´s a pity that people doesnt read more propaganda from oilfunded think-tanks like The Cato Institute but rather allow themselves to be fed crap like this by the secular-progressive leftist media;
ABC NEWS; Welfare is a Bad Word, but Poverty Keeps Growing
"Opportunity 08 takes a closer look at poverty, and how the next president should address the growing gap between the rich and poor in a way that satisfies all Americans."
21 November 2007
The Poor is Rich!
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: cato, johan norberg, neoliberal, neoliberalism, nyliberal, nyliberalism, oil funded thinktanks