Adolf H Lundins company has a hard time. Not only are they attacked for their lack of social responsibility and complicity in human rights abuses in Darfur and Somalia, the Iranians are cancelling contracts with Lundin Mining, and now they are apparently targeted as being among the worlds 12 biggest terrorist sponsors too - according to the "Center for Security Policy"
(Good ol´Doug Feith is a member, no wonder he has problems with the "Adolf H"..)
"Lundin Petroleum of Sweden has ties to the oil industries of Iran and Sudan. The company's Iran projects are largely overshadowed, however, by its Sudan concessions that have been the subject of significant criticism and scrutiny.
In Iran, Lundin reportedly maintains a 30% non-operating interest in the country's Munir oil block in the Khuzestan region. In September 2003, the company announced that it had spent some $2.1 million that year on oil exploration activities in the country."
The motivation for this dubious honor ?;
"Lundin's activities place it on the "Dirty Dozen" list for the following reasons:
* Revenues: In the coming years, Lundin will help generate significant revenues for the governments of Iran and Sudan. Such hard currency revenues pave the way for Iran to accelerate its dangerous weapons of mass destruction program and for both countries to continue supporting terrorism with impunity.
* Moral and Political Cover: A company's willingness to partner with terrorist-sponsoring states diminishes the stigma associated with dangerous government policies. In the case of Lundin, the company is apparently willing to retain interests in a country recently denounced by the U.S. Congress for genocidal attacks on its own Christian, animist and black Muslim populations."
Come on! Terrorism is good for business!! Even the CIA and Saudi finance terrorism. Hell, even Israel funded Hamas!
And who made it illegal to do business with dictators and terrorists anyway?
Or is it perhaps bad...!? Statoil too ? Golly, I get so confused by all this...
Jag frågade Calle om det men han har inte släppt igenom min kommentar än trots att jag nog var en av de tre första att kommentera idag...hmm, konstigt?! Det kan väl inte vara så att han censurerar min oskyldiga lilla fråga? carl bildt
28 February 2007
Lundin Petroleum is Good!
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: carl bildt, Center for Security Policy, lundin petroleum, oljeimperialism
Golden Shield is Good!
Johan Norbergs blogg är tydligen censurerad i Kina. Undrar vilket företag som hjälpte till med installationen? Det måste ha blivit nåt fel??!
Sånt hade aldrig hänt i Sverige!
Apropå Johan Norberg så lyssnade jag på en intervju där den Heritage Foundation-hyllade nyliberale hjälten målade upp den sköna nya världen som kommer att infinna sig så snart kapitalismen nått varenda lilla hörn av världen och varje sandkorn och vattenmolekyl på jorden är privatiserad. Han fick också några tuffa frågor som han tacklade på ett underbart magiskt sätt;
“It is correct that the wealth of the world is very unevenly distributed… the reason why it is unevenly distributed is that there is an uneven distribution of capitalism [..] The problem of the world today is too little globalization and too little capitalism.”
Det är ju bara att se på USA, kapitalismens Mecka. Där är ju klyftorna avsevärt mycket mindre än i socialistiska länder som Kuba.
Men i Kina däremot, där minskar ju de ekonomiska klyftorna i takt med frihandelns frihetskorståg drar över världen...
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: china, johan norberg, kina, nyliberal utopi
Iran's Oil Bourse
The Iran Oil Bourse (IOB) is opening soon according to Press TV and even if its not as big media coverage of it as the nuclear program some people feel that it is a major threat towards the dominance of the petrodollar ;
"The oil bourse would transact petroleum, petrochemicals and gas in various non-dollar currencies, primarily the euro. It would also establish a euro-based pricing mechanism for oil trading, or oil marker as it is called by traders."
Petroeuro is the same thing that made Saddam Hussein a very disliked dictator in Washington;
"In September 2000 Iraq began selling all oil exports in euros. The euro then increased in value which added much profitability to European operations. The US invaded and shortly thereafter (four months to be exact) reverted all Iraqi oil trades back to the US dollar as well as nullifying previous foreign contracts."
So the brief love between the US and Iran in 2001 against the talibans is long gone I presume ...
Iran has also brought some interest from Lundin Mining who recently ran into trouble;
"An arm of the Iranian government has said it wants to cancel agreements relating to the Mehdiabad zinc project with Union Resources Ltd. of Australia, Union's 19.9 per cent owner Lundin Mining Corp. said Friday."
...but probably not as much trouble as when Hugo Chavez stole 1 billion kronor from our foreign ministers Lundin Petroleum, nationalizing the oil.
Socialists and Islamofascists are a bitch ..
27 February 2007
Terrorism is Good!
Att Bin Laden är bra för vapenindustrin är väl inga nyheter, men terrorism kan vara väldigt användbart på flera områden;
"US funds terror groups to sow chaos in Iran
Funding for their separatist causes comes directly from the CIA's classified budget but is now "no great secret", according to one former high-ranking CIA official in Washington who spoke anonymously to The Sunday Telegraph.
His claims were backed by Fred Burton, a former US state department counter-terrorism agent, who said: "The latest attacks inside Iran fall in line with US efforts to supply and train Iran's ethnic minorities to destabilise the Iranian regime."
A row has also broken out in Washington over whether to "unleash" the military wing of the Mujahedeen-e Khalq (MEK), an Iraq-based Iranian opposition group with a long and bloody history of armed opposition to the Iranian regime."
Hmm, MEK är ju terrorister enligt amerikanska State Department;
"Iraq continued to provide safehaven and support to a variety of Palestinian rejectionist groups, as well as bases, weapons, and protection to the Mujahedin-e-Khalq (MEK), an Iranian terrorist group that opposes the current Iranian regime."
Så det är ju lite intressant att de använder samma terrorist grupp som ursäkt att både invadera Irak och attackera Iran.
Och det är ju inte allt man kan ha en terroristgrupp till..
Sen är det ju olagligt enligt The Terrorist Financing Executive Order;
"The President has directed the first strike on the global terror network today by issuing an Executive Order to starve terrorists of their support funds. The Order expands the Treasury Department’s power to target the support structure of terrorist organizations, freeze the U.S. assets and block the U.S. transactions of terrorists and those that support them.."
Ska dom frysa CIAs tillgångar nu?
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: blackops, global war, terrorism, war propaganda
Censorship is Good!
"Censurstriden hårdnar i Kina
Oppositionella författare till motattack.
I Kina bannlyser myndigheterna memoarer och biografier om 1900-talet. Nyligen förbjöds åtta sådana böcker som redan låg i bokhandeln. 120 kinesiska författare protesterade."
Dessa kulturterrorister ska vara glada att frihandel och utländska företag kommer och hjälper till med utvecklingen av Kina till en liberal fri demokrati.
Finns det ingen svensk entreprenör som kan uppfinna en bokvariant av The Golden $hield så vi kunde hjälpa den Kinesiska regeringen att motverka dessa terroristers låga attacker på globalisering och frihandel?
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: globalisering, neoliberalism, nyliberal
Förvirring is Good!
Per Alhmark kritiserar Carl Bildts ohämmade kapitalism;
"Förbluffande är att också folkpartiet står där med skammen. Detta parti har förr med medkänsla och ursinne markerat sin åsikt inför koloniala, etniska eller ideologiska massmord, inte minst i tredje världen. I dag låter man en arrogant före detta högerledare tala också för det liberala partiet.
Om folkpartiet med sin tystnad i utrikespolitiken vill visa att alliansen är viktigare än liberalismen kommer det i så fall att ske till priset av nya valnederlag."
"..Det som ändå ger hopp om folkpartiets framtid är främst att två unga liberaler och idealister bland riksdagsmännen tycks känna samma motvilja. Birgitta Ohlsson har gång på gång tvingat Bildt att försvara sina bisarra utspel. Fredrik Malm har i Expressen visat varför utrikesministern måste avgå om han fortsätter som hittills."
Ja, Fredrik Malm har ju verkligen tagit ställning mot massmord, kolonialism och neokonservativa tankesmedjor...
Hans uttalande; "USA in i Iran" och "Västbanken och Gaza ockuperades av Israel i hopp om att kunna förhandla fram fred" är ju tydliga uttalanden mot den kolonialism som Bildts amerikanska tankesmedjor företräder.
Bara att han på sin blogg länkar till Heritage Foundations "Freedom House" och till MEMRI är ju klara indikationer på att dessa "unga liberala idealister" står för en HELT annan utrikespolitisk agenda än Bildt...
(Bildts brott och den ENDA skillnaden mellan Fredrik Malm och Bildt är ju egentligen att Bildt velat ställa krav på Israel - och det kan ju inte tolereras;)
"Carl Bildts inställning till Israel och konflikten i Mellanöstern ligger nära de socialdemokratiska föregångarnas. I ett tal i Madrid häromdagen upprepades det klassiska kraven på Israel."
Ahlmark kritiserar också Reinfeldts brist på Pro-Israel aktivism;
"... aldrig har jag läst ett så intetsägande, meningslöst och okänsligt anförande som Reinfeldts inför Stockholms fullsatta synagoga den 27 januari i år."
USA in i Iran var har jag hört det innan?
"In the end, if Iran threatens U.S. vital national interests*, the hard-line government in Tehran should have no doubt that the United States has the capacity and the will to use all the instruments of national power, including military force, to defeat that threat. The United States should be prepared both to preempt and to retaliate against any threats to its citizens and property or those of its allies." - The Heritage Foundation
(* Dvs USAs oljeintressen i mellanöstern)
"Aldrig har det blivit tydligare att liberaler i dag är så kluvna att de riskerar att gå av på mitten. Å ena sidan omfattar man Bildts principer - invadera och tjäna pengar - och å andra sidan är man humanliberal och vill med rena händer kunna fördöma folkmordet i Darfur och den ryska regimen. Det är en olösbar ekvation ..."
Precis, "War is Good" men det är mycket bättre att kalla det "frihetssträvan" - om man ska sälja in det hos "unga liberala idealister"..
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: neoliberalism, nyliberal, oil funded thinktanks, oljeimperialism
Think Tanks are Good!
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: carl bildt, heritage foundation, neoliberalism, oil funded thinktanks, oljeimperialism, PNAC
26 February 2007
Privatization is Good!
"...privat ägande av motorvägar, broar, tunnlar och även järnvägar är inget som är främmande för Fredrik Reinfeldts regering. Just nu tänks det intensivt bland infrastrukturminister Åsa Torstenssons tjänstemän för att komma fram till hur man ska kunna få fram mer och snabbare pengar till nya vägar och järnvägar.
- Jag utesluter ingenting i dag när det gäller ägandet."
Jag utesluter inte något i heller när det gäller privat ägande. Det är därför jag jag smugglat in en 12-årig sexslav från förenade arabemiraten och en lettisk städerska till min herrgård i Dalarna!
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: girighet, privatisering, råkapitalism, utopia
25 February 2007
PNAC is Good!
Det är så skönt att se att Carl Bildt är med i det neokonservativa - (kolla vem som skrivit på) - frihetskorståget "for American dominance in the world"!
"The Project for the New American Century is a non-profit educational organization dedicated to a few fundamental propositions: that American leadership is good both for America and for the world; and that such leadership requires military strength, diplomatic energy and commitment to moral principle."
Ja, USA måste ju regera världen!
PNAC har ju fått så mycket beröm för sin lyckade Irak invasion, så man kan ju räkna med samma typ av succé när det gäller svensk utrikespolitik med en PNAC utrikesminister!
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: bildt neocon puppet, girighet, global war, oil funded thinktanks, oljeimperialism
Big Brother is Good! part II
"Posten Sverige AB, Sweden’s national postal service, has selected Lockheed Martin to upgrade its address recognition technology and mail automation capabilities for processing the nation’s letter mail."
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: big brother, global war, mänskliga rättigheter, övervakning
Blogge Bloggelito vs Thom Hartmann
Blogge Bloggelito;
"..demokrati är en oundviklig följd av kapitalismens verkningar under en längre tid – kapitalismen skapar en stabil medelklass som förr eller senare kommer att ställa krav på politisk förändring av ett slag som en diktatur inte förmår leverera."
Thom Hartmann;
"Free market ideology; a variety of practices to drive down the cost of labor -- from destruction of the union movement to encouragement of immigration, both legal and illegal; and the promotion of the idea that democratic institutions are an aberration, that vast wealth is the natural order of things in the human and animal kingdoms."
"Air America host Thom Hartmann provides an exhaustive argument that America's backbone and lifeblood -- its middle class -- is vanishing. (Or being cast out, set aside, and methodically destroyed, depending on your perspective.)
Hartmann blends current affairs with a vital crash course in history to demonstrate the ways in which -- under 25 years of right-wing wonkery -- working people, once treasured as the foundation of our economy, are now neglected to the point of extinction. Through concrete examples of laws passed, unions busted and programs dismantled, Hartmann reminds us how, since Reagan's 1980 ascension to the throne, conservative policiticans have done little except "conserve" their own wealth- and power-grubbing interests."
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: myter, nyliberal, propaganda, råkapitalism
24 February 2007
Walls are Good!
Antisemitiska nynazistiska terroristkramare "protesterar" mot Israels fullständigt lagliga och demokratiska frihetsmur igen...
"Near the front of the crowd was Uri Avnery, 83, a former Israeli MP and one of the better known activists on the Israeli left. "This village is unique even in Palestine because it is the only village that has the guts to fight against the wall actively every single week," he said.
"Israeli public opinion does not know anything about it, they don't want to know anything about it. We want to compel them to take notice that this so-called security obstacle has nothing to do at all with security. This is a wall which is robbing the villagers of most of their land and giving this land to Israeli settlers on the other side."
Att dom bara orkar..
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: apartheid, propaganda, rasism
Electroshocks are Good!
"A 12-year-old boy receives electric shock treatment for his Internet addiction at the Beijing Military Region Central Hospital in Beijing Friday June 17, 2005. The boy, a new patient, had become so addicted that he spent four straight days in an Internet cafe, barely eating or sleeping. The clinic, the country's first government-approved facility geared toward curing Internet addicts, has treated more than 300 addicts since opening last October."
Trots stora ansträngningar att hjälpa det kinesiska folket mot demokrati och mänskliga rättigheter, verkar det dock fortfarande finnas stora missbruksproblem. Något för electrolux kanske?
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: all we need is profit, kina, mänskliga rättigheter
23 February 2007
Bombs are Good!
"Försvaret vill ta ut Jas i strid
Stridsflygplanet Jas Gripen kan inom kort komma att flyga över Afghanistan eller Afrika enligt ett utkast till budgetunderlag från försvarsmakten."
"- Jas Gripen är den enskilt största försvarsutgiften, att skicka ner den för att cirkulera i området vore ett slöseri med skattemedel, säger Allan Widman."
Nä precis! Bomba skiten ur Afrika och Afghanistan !!! Det är ett mycket bättre sätt att använda skattemedel på!
Och ett bra sätt att visa terrorister som Bin Laden att vi inte alls är några mesar som inte klarar lite Al Qaeda terrorism i Sverige med!
"Before I begin, I say to you that security is an indispensable pillar of human life and that free men do not forfeit their security, contrary to Bush's claim that we hate freedom...
.. If so, then let him explain to us why we don't strike for example - Sweden?
No, we fight because we are free men who don't sleep under oppression. We want to restore freedom to our nation, just as you lay waste to our nation. So shall we lay waste to yours.
No one except a dumb thief plays with the security of others and then makes himself believe he will be secure."
För att citera Bush; Bring it on!
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: bin laden, global war, jas
Egypt is Good!
"Egyptisk bloggare dömd till fängelse
Anses ha förolämpat islam och presidenten
En 22-årig man dömdes på torsdagen för att ha förolämpat islam och president Hosni Mubarak i Egyptens första rättegång mot en bloggare."
Man ska stödja demokrati och mänskliga rättigheter! Och muslimska länder som Egypten är väl de enda som kan komma på att censurera en bloggare?
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: bloggare, egypten, mänskliga rättigheter
22 February 2007
Lies are Good!
Sometimes the "truth" is overrated.
When it comes to dealing with rogue nations in the Axis of Evil like Iran or Iraq under Saddam Hussein, then lies, exaggerations and bending the truth is morally justified to speed up the process of getting rid of them.
So I think Douglas Feith was correct in lying about the Al Qaeda/Saddam connection and Cheney, Rumsfeld and Bush totally justified in lying about WMDs.
But now the biased left-wing media is totally undermining the hard work done inventing evidence against Iran;
"Much of the intelligence on Iran's nuclear facilities provided to UN inspectors by US spy agencies has turned out to be unfounded, diplomatic sources in Vienna said today."
The issue is not if Iran is going nuclear or not, the issue is that we don´t like the regime and who has the time to wait for a democratic change there?
And even if the country became democratic, would it be possible to get fat reconstruction contracts if Iran isnt bombed? Would it be possible to get 75% of their oil? Would it be possible to change their flag?
No! So I think the leftist media should shut up! So we can get going and get a piece of the cake as well!
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: global war, oil funded thinktanks, war propaganda
Bibliotek is Bad!
"Avgift på boklån
Få svenska samhällsinstitutioner väcker så ömma känslor som bibliotek. Otaliga är de personliga vittnesmålen om hur biblioteket varit en dörröppnare; vägen till bildning och upplysning, inte minst för dem som haft en mindre privilegierad uppväxt. De fria svenska folkbiblioteken har en symbolisk laddning som överbryggar politiska blockgränser. De är en bild av ett Sverige vi tycker om att framhålla; ett demokratiskt land som sätter informations- och yttrandefrihet högt på agendan. "
Att det fortfarande finns "Folkbibliotek" kvar är skandal!
"Folkbibliotek" - denna socialistiska dinosaurie från den stalinistiska stenåldern är inget annat än ett kommunistiskt undergrävande av den fria marknaden.
Vill man ha böcker så får man betala för det ur egen ficka! Att "låna ut" filmer, böcker och CD-skivor gratis leder till att små bokhandlare, skivaffärer och video affärer utsätts för en orättvis statssubventionerad konkurrens och borde bli lika olagligt som all annan fildelning och piratkopiering!
Inte nog med det "allemansrätten" finns också kvar!
"Allemansrätten", vad är det om inte ren socialism? Om jag äger mark så är det jag som ska bestämma över den, ingen annan! Och jag ska ha rätt att skjuta varenda hippie terrorist som försöker tälta på min mark!
Och allt vatten borde också privatiseras! Om jag har en sjö så ska jag kunna ta betalt om någon ens tittar på den!
Andra bloggar om: moderaterna, kapitalism, neoliberalism, nyliberal utopi, elitism, kulturskymning, anti-intellektualism
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: anti-intellektualism, elitism, kapitalism, kulturskymning, moderaterna, neoliberalism, nyliberal utopi
21 February 2007
Trade Unions are Bad!
Det är inte bara i Sverige fack-maffian sprider hat, även Kina har börjat infiltreras av anti-kapitalistska terrorister, ett stort antal andra västföretag hotas av nya regleringar på den annars så guldkantade Kinesiska marknaden ;
"Action Plan for Labor Contracts
In April, the ACFTU, Ministry of Labor and Social Security and China Enterprise Directors Association unveiled the Three-Year Action Plan for the Promotion of the Labor Contract System. Under the plan, all enterprises across the country are required to sign contracts with their employees within three years from 2006 to 2008. The signing rate for 2006 is expected to reach 80 percent.
In April, the ACFTU issued a document unveiling protection measures for migrant workers. The document calls on trade unions to protect migrant workers at source, guarantee their right to join and form trade unions, and recruit the majority of workers into trade unions. In 2006, trade unions around the country shall recruit 6.5 million migrant workers and the number is expected to reach 70 percent by the year 2008. "
Till och med Wal-Mart som annars alltid lyckats vinna kampen mot maffia-facket, har attackerats...;
Wal-Mart vs. All-China Federation of Trade Unions
Wal-Mart, the biggest retailer in the world, has become the target of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU), for refusing to establish trade unions in its branches in China.
...och trots hårt motstånd, förlorat;
"Wal-Mart's recent agreement to recognize unions in China has made headlines worldwide. But Wal-Mart and other corporations, including Google, UPS, Microsoft, Nike, AT&T, and Intel, have acted through the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai (AmCham) and other industry associations to try to block Chinese legislation that would significantly increase the power and protection of workers."
Detta är ju i nivå med fackets militanta attack på Wild n Fresh..
Det är socialistiska hat-propagandister och anti-kapitalistiska terrorister som Neil Kearney, generalsekreterare på ITGLWF som sprider villfarelser och lögner..;
“Socially responsible corporations should be trying to help to raise the standards of workers around the world. They should not be trying to prevent governments from adopting laws to protect their workers”.
... som är mänsklighetens fiende nummer ett och hotar hela världens utveckling.
Företag ska inte ta något socialt ansvar, dom ska bara öka vinsten till varje pris och Kina pressar ju ner lönenivån globalt så att alla företag gynnas...;
"The ability to hire cheap labor in China has put downward pressure on wages and workers' conditions around the globe. China plays a key role in setting global wage norms.
It is the linchpin of what Morgan Stanley chief economist Stephen Roach has called “global labor arbitrage” in which corporations move from one labor market to another to take advantage of cheaper labor.
The result is a global “race to the bottom” in which workers and their communities are put into competition with each other to see who can provide the lowest-cost labor and the most corporate-friendly conditions."
Och det är ju så hela världen kommer att bli rikare och fattigdom utrotas - genom konkurrens om vem som har de lägsta lönerna och ha den mest företagsvänliga, anti-fackföreningsmässiga lagstiftningen.
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: china, fackföreningar, kina, trade unions
War is Good!
"Krigsutbrottet i Irak gjorde Bildt till mångmiljonär
Carl Bildt tjänar stora summor på Irakkriget.
Han har suttit i styrelsen för kapitalförvaltaren Legg Mason med stora ekonomiska intressen i den amerikanska krigsindustrin.
Samtidigt var han lobbyist för amerikanska krigsintressen med kopplingar till vapentillverkaren Lockheed Martin."
Irakkriget tycks gå så bra att Danmark och England drar sig ur;
Det grundar sig på att de irakiska säkerhetsstyrkorna nu är kapabla att själva ta över ansvaret för södra Irak, sade Rasmussen.
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: all we need is profit, bloodmoney
Promemorian is Good!
Skönt att se att de nyliberala tankarna inte begränsas till högerpartier. Även socialdemokrater försvarar svenska investeringar i Kina med samma argument vilken nyliberal ideolog som helst.
Utländska investeringar i diktaturer är bra, det gör ju att de automatiskt får högre levnadsstandard och då utrotas fattigdom och folket reser sig och kräver demokrati.
Och denna demokratiprocess får ju otrolig draghjälp av svenska och utländska "investeringar"..
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: dubbelmoral, nyliberal
20 February 2007
Human Rights are Bad!
Human Right Watch is viciously attacking free trade;
"Prime Minister Stephen Harper is right to insist that Canada should not sell out human rights in order to promote trade and investment with China. Now he has an opportunity to show he is serious — when he meets with Chinese President Hu Jintao on the sidelines of the APEC meeting in Vietnam.
Human rights must be part of the discussion because China's record — already poor — has deteriorated markedly over the past two years. First came a crackdown on the already tightly controlled press. Editors have been jailed, newspapers closed. Then it was the Internet. Censorship regulations were tightened, websites taken down, cyber dissidents arrested. Next the lawyers found themselves in the authorities' crosshairs: Three top human-rights lawyers have been thrown in jail in a matter of months. Other civil rights advocates have been assaulted by thugs with total impunity. Now it's a clean-up of Beijing's undesirables — migrant workers and their children, beggars and people without a city permit — in the name of beautification efforts for the 2008 Olympics."
Human Rights are highly overrated, "all we need is profit" as Johan Norberg points out in his "Why corporations shouldnt be socially responsible" address at the 2003 "Managing on the edge" conference in Holland.
Corporate profit, not "Human Rights", is what is going to erase world poverty, make peace on earth, make your tits larger and make everyone on earth be able to buy a brand new car and a flatscreen tv. (Forget about the Global Warming alarmists)
And the key to corporate profit are low wages and weak or non-existent trade unions, like in China.
China is Swedens biggest trading partner in Asia, there are 400 Swedish companies already in China and hopefully Sweden will be able to get more Chinese workers over here to compete with the spoiled overpaid Swedish workers.
"A Chinese worker killed in an accident at his workplace in Gothenburg harbor last month was earning four kronor per hour. The Transport Workers Union previously elected not to get involved but is now demanding better payment conditions for the Chinese guest workers.
According to the Union's newspaper the 14 Chinese crane workers, of which the deceased man was one, work 60 hour weeks at a rate of four kronor per hour."
Four kronor an hour - now thats more like it! If we manage to get all Swedish salaries down to those levels then the 2800 jobs lost to China and other low wage countries might stay in Sweden.
But to succeed with that we need people to abandon all mafia trade unions and get rid of all "workers rights"!
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: kina, nyliberal, trade unions
19 February 2007
Clash of Civilizations is Good!
Trots hårt arbete och ihärdiga försök verkar kampanjen att exportera Israel/Palestina konflikten till ett globalt "Clash of Civilizations" inte riktigt övertyga.
Opinionen i 27 länder som deltagit i en opinionsundersökning gjord av globescan ser det fortfarande som en geopolitisk konflikt snarare än ett religionskrig.
"Most people round the world clearly reject the idea that Islam and the west are caught in an inevitable clash of civilisations,"
Bin Laden verkar inte ha övertygat majoriteten av muslimer och neokonservativa, högerextrema sionister och liberala israelvänner har fortfarande en del att lära av "white supremacy" rörelsen när det gäller rashets, om vi nånsin ska få igång ett nytt korståg eller "WWIV" på allvar.
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: global war, islamofobi
Cuba is Bad!
MALMÖ. Nästa helg hyllar den folkkäre artisten Mikael Wiehe den kubanska diktaturen på en stödgala i Malmö genom att sjunga "Sång till friheten".
Kommunistiska diktaturer är ju i allmänhet bra om de har olja eller billig arbetskraft - men Kuba är ju en helt meningslös kommunistisk diktatur som ska spottas på!
Fy, Mikael, Fy!
(Läs mer om de kubanska övergreppen mot de mänskliga rättigheterna hos Human Rights Watch. Men låt bli att läsa om det står "Guantanamo Bay" eller "Gitmo" i rubriken - dessa artiklar är fulla med förtal och anti-amerikanska lögner! )
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: trippelmoral
FBI is Good!
Den amerikanska lobbygruppen Motion Picture Association, MPA, och agenter från FBI har undervisat svenska poliser om upphovsrätt och piratkopiering. Enligt MPA var syftet att "lära och träna" svensk polis i hur piratkopiering ska bekämpas.
Att svensk polis uppgift skulle vara att skydda svenska medborgarnas intresse är en gammal förlegad idé som är dags att skrota!
Vi måste lära oss av FBI - polisens främsta uppgift måste vara att skydda internationella kartellers vinst! Och vår svenska lagstiftning måste ses över så att alla hinder för utländsk övervakning av inhemska anti-kapitalistiska terrorister och deras aktiviteter undanröjs.
Varför inte helt enkelt skrota svensk militär och polis helt? Dom kostar för mycket och det ger bara vänstern anledningar till att höja skatt och förtrycka höginkomstagare.
Nej, jag är säker på att Blackwater kunde göra jobbet bättre och billigare och de som vill ha militärt eller polisiärt skydd får själva betala för det.
Nyliberal Utopi
16 February 2007
Fox is Good!
"This weekend, Rupert Murdoch's Fox News channel, home of all that is "fair and balanced", launches the Half Hour News Hour.
As the title suggests, the programme is not entirely serious. Nor is it entirely fair and balanced. Indeed, it is intended to wrench the iron fist of satire away from the liberals on Jon Stewart's The Daily Show and give the right all the best lines."
"...Ann Coulter. While her acting abilities may not be up to those of her co-star, Coulter does get the best line in the sketch. As President Limbaugh tells viewers to stay tuned for The Half Hour News Hour, Coulter leans in to warn, "And if you don't, we'll invade your country, kill your leaders and convert you to Christianity."
Nyliberal Utopi
14 February 2007
"Atomic Ayatollahs"
Michael: - I came up with this thing I call "The Atomic Ayatollahs"
Me: - Thats a great name for a punkband. (Or maybe a b-movie script.)
Michael: - No, its a sort of paranoid psychodrama with hitler, terrorism, religion and some history thrown in for good measure.
Me: - Ok. Sound interesting. No porn?
Michael: - No, no no! Now, Im really offended. You dont take me serious do you?
Me: - Sorry. Go on, id like to hear it!
Michael: - Ok;
"Less than 1,000 miles east of Tel Aviv a new Auschwitz is being prepared, as the world looks on and does virtually nothing to stop it. Instead of the gas chambers being fired up, centrifuges are being installed. In place of Zyklon-B gas, the agent of choice is now uranium."
Me: - Great start, although the plot is kind of old, now what happens? Rambo returns or what?
"And while the language spoken by its architects may be different, the threat to the future of the Jewish people, and that of the entire Western world, is no less grave than it was six decades ago in Europe."
Me: - Oh no, not that again. Im sorry, Michael, but you have got to do better than that.
Michael (irritated by my lack of response):
"Indeed, with each passing day the would-be Hitler of Persia draws perilously closer to his goal of obtaining a nuclear arsenal, threatening everyone, and everything, that all of us hold dear. The press loves to mock the Iranian president, portraying him as a nut, a kook, and a fanatic. But I take him at his word. He has made quite clear what his objective is, telling us over and over again that he plans to eliminate Israel and destroy the West."
Me: - You havent thought of learning to play the guitar or painting or something similar? (Hitler of Persia would be a great artist name)
Michael (Red in the face, sweating, in a high pitched voice):
"It is time for Israel or the US to bomb Iran now. Not next week, next month, or next summer, but now. As quickly and as hard and as painfully as possible."
Me: - Are you having some sort of an attack? Can I help you? Where do you keep your medicine?
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: Atomic Ayatollah, Hitler of Persia
Kids are Bad!
"The first report on the well-being of children in 21 western states shows marked divisions in education, health and sexual behaviour and drug-taking. The Netherlands topped the well-being table compiled by the UN children's agency Unicef, with Scandinavian nations also performing well.
However the United Kingdom and United States fare much worse, taking the bottom two places in the table.
The report shows no strong link between child well-being and per capita GDP."
Sweden is obviously raising a lot of spoiled kids. If you look at economic world leaders - like the US and Britain - then this softhanded scandinavian cuddling obviously isnt healthy for the economy.
And who cares about children, anyway? They dont produce anything, they smell, and only cost a lot of money to society. (Well, you can sell pictures of them on the internet, but thats about it)
"...Nor does the wealth of a nation guarantee its children a good education. Norway and Denmark are to be found in the 18th and 19th places for educational well-being..."
We should educate our youth in arms, porn and drugs instead - thats where the money is.
"She warned that "drastic action", including an injection of 4.5 billion pounds, was needed to meet a government target of halving the number of children in poverty by 2010."
You of course got to be one of those who HAVE money to enjoy the benefits of a high GDP. But they shouldnt include poor people in the study because that completely messes up my vision of globalisationism almost as much as Exxon joining the global warming alarmists.
"...One of the report's authors told the BBC that under-investment and a "dog eat dog" attitude in society were to blame for Britain's poor performance..."
What a load of crap!
Competition is healthy and weeds out the useless people who dont produce anything - like kids, old and sick people.
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: all we need is profit, bnp, gdp, nyliberal
Bin Laden is Good!
What to do when the vital US Arms industry experience a significant drop in sales?
Many people employed in the business afraid of their jobs might go out on the street demanding "more wars now" and board meetings might get awash in cold sweat and a feeling of deep loss.
But who could replace the ideal foe ; the Red Plague, the Commie Threat, the Evil Empire - the Soviet Union - to justify a mammoth defense budget and boost the US arms exports again?
Well, they are a bit of a commie dictatorship and have more or less all the scary looking characteristics of a world domination seeking James Bond villain.
But they have a natural resource almost as good as Saudi, Iran or Iraq - they have an unlimited underpaid workforce who are stripped of all workers rights, and a cold war with China would mean that americans flags again had to be manufactured by higher paid american workers who might even be organized in unpatriotic maffia trade unions. Hmmm..
Enter Bin Laden and September 11.
Perfect! (Or as Netanyahu put it - "Very Good!") There he is, the return of the world domination seeking villain. And voilá the worlds demand for american weapons are back to the good old cold war days again.
Its not that bin Laden as a person is important;
"'I don't really think about him very much. I'm not that concerned.' We need a president who stays deadly focused on the real war on terror."
(He is not even wanted by the FBI for 9/11)
He is more important as a symbol, he personifies the new threat, the militant islamist.
Now if people can get as frantic about muslim terrorists, as they were about communism, then oil and bank assets that otherwise might come in the hands of "world domination seeking terrorists", can preemptively be confiscated and there is an excellent excuse to spy on foreign business competition and persuade less than clever politicians to spy on their own populations phone and internet communication and hand the data over to the US.
So there are great synergetic domino effects in islamism!
And war creates a lot of jobs and wonderful business opportunities. And for the creative entrepreneur the privatization of everything from propaganda to prisons, torture and military operations, it is a multibillion dollar industry.
"The United States is by far the largest exporter of weapons in the world, with a sales volume that exceeds the next 14 countries combined. Military sales equate to about 18 percent of the Federal budget, far and away the greatest proportion of any nation.
John Ralston Saul states that the American government cannot reduce arms sales because of the consequent fall in GDP. "
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: all we need is profit, bin laden, global war
12 February 2007
Weekly Standard is Good!
OSAMA BIN LADEN and Saddam Hussein had an operational relationship from the early 1990s to 2003 that involved training in explosives and weapons of mass destruction, logistical support for terrorist attacks, al Qaeda training camps and safe haven in Iraq, and Iraqi financial support for al Qaeda--perhaps even for Mohamed Atta--according to a top secret U.S. government memorandum obtained by THE WEEKLY STANDARD.
The memo, dated October 27, 2003, was sent from Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Douglas J. Feith to Senators Pat Roberts and Jay Rockefeller, the chairman and vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee.
Former undersecretary of defense for policy Douglas Feith on Fox News Sunday:
- My office never said there was an operational relationship between Iraq and al Qaeda.
Nyliberal Utopi
Psyops are Good?
It´s interesting to look back a few years and see how public perception of "Good vs Evil" has evolved. It would probably be hard to get funding for a Hollywood blockbuster with this plot nowadays;
John Rambo's former Vietnam superior, Colonel Samuel Trautman, has been assigned to lead a mission to help the Mujahedeen rebels who are fighting the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, but the Buddhist Rambo turns down Trautman's request that Rambo help out. When the mission goes belly up and Trautman is kidnapped and tortured by Russian Colonel Zaysen, Rambo launches a rescue effort and allies himself with the Mujahedeen rebels and gets their help in trying to rescue Trautman from Zaysen.
But maybe with a few adjustments..
"Operations planned to convey selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence
their emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately the behaviour of foreign governments,
organizations, groups, and individuals."
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: psyops, war propaganda
10 February 2007
Feith is Good!
Media verkar ha vaknat;
'Very Damning' Report: Pentagon Manipulated Pre-war Intel
A "very damning" report by the Defense Department's inspector general depicts a Pentagon that purposely manipulated intelligence in an effort to link Saddam Hussein to al-Qaida in the runup to the U.S. invasion of Iraq, says the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee.
Report Says Pentagon Manipulated Intel
Report depicts Pentagon that purposely manipulated intelligence before U.S. invasion of Iraq
Pentagon 'twisted Iraq findings'
Pentagon office ‘misled’ on Iraq war
Pentagon official's prewar intel faulted
Pentagon unit developed 'dubious' prewar intel – report
Märkligt, det är 4 år sedan;
The spies who pushed for war
Julian Borger reports on the shadow rightwing intelligence network set up in Washington to second-guess the CIA and deliver a justification for toppling Saddam Hussein by force
Donald Rumsfeld has his own special sources. Are they reliable?
The Lie Factory
A Mother Jones Special Investigation
The inside story of how the Bush administration pushed disinformation and bogus intelligence and led the nation to war.
Nyliberal Utopi
Exxon is Good?
Jag blev helt chockad av att se att till och med Exxon blivit inflitrerade av trädkramande terrorister;
Exxon calls for urgent action on warming
International efforts are urgently needed to combat global warming and prevent "serious" damage to the environment and economy, said Exxon Mobil Corp., the world's biggest oil refiner.
"The global ecosystem is showing signs of warming, particularly in polar areas," Kenneth Cohen, Exxon Mobil's vice-president of public affairs, said yesterday on a conference call with reporters.
Detta är ju helt galet, hur lyckades Al Qaeda med detta konstycke? Att de lyckats infiltrera NASA förefaller ju naturligt efter den senaste tidens dokusåpa, men Exxon?
Jag är mållös...
(Vem vet snart kanske till och med Dick Exxo.. ääh jag menar Erixon och Eudoxa byter namn till nåt mer miljövänligt ..)
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: socialist konspiration, terrorist infiltration
Pills are Good!
För att verkligen förstå innebörden i "Globalization is Good" och att kapitalism kommer att frälsa världen från ondo, så hjälper ett kraftigt intag av antidepressiva lyckopiller. (Och aktier i Exxon)
Världen ter sig helt annorlunda efter några burkar prozac och världens korruption, girighet och masslakt filtreras effektivt bort och ersätts av ett rosa moln av lycka.
Men nu verkar det som om det finns vissa "biverkningar" som skulle göra att många unga nyliberaler måste sluta med pillerna och riskerar att behöva vakna upp till den "bistra verkligheten".
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: hallucinationer, knark, utopia
09 February 2007
Big Brother is Good!
Bodström tog det första steget genom lagändringen som gör det möjligt att åter kunna sätta in militär mot civila, och nu kommer nästa steg; The Patriot Act kommer till Sverige;
"Lagrådet säger i princip ja till regeringens förslag om att ge Försvarets radioanstalt (FRA) rätt att avlyssna svenska medborgares telefon- och e-posttrafik till och från utlandet."
Det är klart nödvändigt att avlyssna svenska medborgare men jag tycker de kan gå lika långt som England och sätta upp röntgen kameror på gatorna så att man verkligen är säker på att ingen terrorist infiltrerar landet.
Jag väntar på ett Guantanamo Bay på Gotland också men det kommer nog snart.
(Ett alternativ till 1984 hade kanske varit att undvika att stödja imperialistkrig och oljekrig mot arabvärlden, men det är ju så absurt att bara socialist-fanatiker kan komma på sådana tankar...)
08 February 2007
Dreams are Good!
The declassified report on the investigation of undersecretary of defense Douglas Feith´s Office of Special Plans is released today. (The same Douglas Feith who suggested bombing Latin America as a response to 9/11)
Douglas Feith, a devout zionist, has been under investigation for manufacturing misleading evidence linking Al Qaeda and Saddam to justify the invasion of Iraq.
The Pentagon Office of Special Plans was the center of intel gathering (or Gestapo Office as Colin Powell called it) linking Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda.
From the Washington Post;
"Feith, who was defense policy chief before leaving the government in 2005, was one of the key contributors to the administration's rationale for war. His intelligence activities, authorized by then-Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and his deputy, Paul D. Wolfowitz, and coordinated with Vice President Cheney's office, stemmed from an administration belief that the CIA was underplaying evidence of then-Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein's ties with al-Qaeda."
"The report find "reporting of dubious quality or reliability"
"Feith's assessment in 2002 that Iraq and al-Qaeda had a "mature symbiotic relationship" was not fully supported by available intelligence but was nonetheless used by policymakers."
"It stated that the office produced intelligence assessments "inconsistent" with the U.S. intelligence community consensus"
"In particular, the summary cited the defense policy office's preparation of slides describing as a "known contact" an alleged 2001 meeting in Prague between Mohamed Atta, the leader of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, and an Iraqi intelligence officer.
That claim figured heavily in statements by Cheney and other senior administration officials alleging a link between al-Qaeda and the Iraqi regime, but it has since been discredited."
Vice chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Jay Rockefeller;
“The IG has concluded that this office was engaged in intelligence activities. The Senate Intelligence Committee was never informed of these activities. Whether these actions were authorized or not, it appears that they were not in compliance with the law.
Douglas Feith wrote in strategy paper for Netanyahu, "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm";
"Israel can shape its strategic environment, in cooperation with Turkey and Jordan, by weakening, containing, and even rolling back Syria. This effort can focus on removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq — an important Israeli strategic objective in its own right — as a means of foiling Syria’s regional ambitions."
The elaborate plan was to win the hearts and minds of the liberated iraqi shiite majority, put Ahmed Chalabi in power as the new leader of a Israel friendly Iraq, change the flag to slightly more Israeli looking and claim the oil for the US and Israel.
Now, it didnt quite work out the way it was intended. Oh well next time ..
(Funny "coincidence", you might have noticed the names Meyrav and David Wurmser on the strategy for Netanyahu, the same Israeli citizen Meyrav Wurmser who started MEMRI together with Yigal Carmon and the same David Wurmser who was advisor to Cheney and worked for Douglas Feiths Office of Special Plans.)
Nyliberal Utopi
Racism is Good!
I dessa tider där socialister tagit över all media och debatten är fullständigt hämmad av politisk korrekthet så vågar man ju inte uttrycka vad man egentligen tycker utan att bli attackerad och kallad öknamn.
Försöken att kalla fullkomligt naturliga nationalistiska reaktioner mot muslimsk invandring för "Islamofobi" är väl hedervärt, men alldeles för PK och socialdemokratiskt, jag tycker man kan gå ett steg längre och återupprätta värdet i ordet "rasist" till det fina och hedervärda det egentligen är.
För vad är rasism annat än värnandet om den egna rasens fortlevnad i en alltmer "mångkulturell" och smutsig värld?
Och jag tror att det går alldeles utmärkt att kombinera globalisationism med nationalism om man lär sig av Israel och bygger höga murar runt väl avgränsade bostadsområden med många utlänningar och som Israel upprätta vägspärrar där identitetshandlingar kan kontrolleras när dom transporteras fram och tillbaka från fabrikerna.
Sedan kan man ju hyra in billig arbetskraft från exempelvis Kina och andra låglöneländer för kortare perioder och sen skicka hem dom igen när jobbet är klart, om dom nyttiga invandrarna inte räcker.
Nu kanske vissa tycker att jag låter som vilken nynazist som helst, men så är inte fallet, nynazism har fått så dålig publicitet och jag vill inte bli förknippad med sådana extremistorganisationer, så jag föredrar bli kallad "nationalistisk nyliberal" och jag stödjer också, till skillnad från nazister, Israel, globalisering och kontrollerad invandring.
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: broderskap, demokrati, frihet
07 February 2007
Slavery is Good!
The Heritage Foundation is visiting Stockholm today to present the "2007 index of Economical Freedom".
From the Heritage Foundation report we can learn that Chile is freer than Sweden, El Salvador is freer than Norway, that communist dictatorship China is freer than post-communist Russia and that Singapore is way freer than any Scandinavian country.
Sweden too has a lot to learn from El Salvador when it comes to dealing with trade unions as the example of Wild n Fresh clearly indicates.
The conclusion is clear, Norway got to shape up if they want to become as free as El Salvador and all Scandinavian countries have got to make a huge effort to become as free as Singapore.
More on Heritage and Economical Freedom here
Nyliberal Utopi
Etiketter: captus, childlabor, freedom, heritage foundation, oil funded thinktanks
Death Squads are Good!
Death Squads have, just as torture, an unfairly tarnished reputation. And I would like to give little background and also clarify why I think both are excellent methods to win hearts and minds among enemies of economic freedom and financial liberty, alternatively significantly reduce the hostile population.
Although death squads been used by before, during the 1930s, Hitler made extensive use of death squads, starting with the infamous Night of the Long Knives and in the 1950s the Shah of Iran used SAVAK death squads to kill thousands, the term "death squad" rose to notoriety during the 1970s and 1980s in Central and South America after the graduation of many fine men and women from "The School of the Americas*"
The Caravan of Death, an Army squad, roamed Chile in October 1973, following Augusto Pinochet's CIA backed coup.
And with the arrival of the Reagan administration, the Heritage Foundation and other conservative foreign policy experts saw a political opportunity to significantly expand Carter's Afghanistan policy into a more global "doctrine" and it was the Heritage Foundation that translated theory into concrete policy.
During the 80s the Reagan Doctrine was in full effect and John Dimitri Negroponte was from 1981 to 1985 U.S. ambassador to Honduras where Battalion 316 effectively reduced the number of socialists in the country.
On April 19, 2004, Negroponte was nominated by U.S. President George W. Bush to be the United States Ambassador to Iraq where he served to 2005 and he is now the first ever Director of National Intelligence.
So its no surprise to see a similar pattern in Iraq;
"Death squads were a brutal feature of Latin American politics of the time. In Argentina in the 1970s and Guatemala in the 1980s, soldiers wore uniform by day but used unmarked cars by night to kidnap and kill those hostile to the regime or their suspected sympathisers.
In the early 1980s President Reagan’s Administration funded and helped to train Nicaraguan contras based in Honduras with the aim of ousting Nicaragua’s Sandinista regime. The Contras were equipped using money from illegal American arms sales to Iran, a scandal that could have toppled Mr Reagan.
It was in El Salvador that the United States trained small units of local forces specifically to target rebels.
The thrust of the Pentagon proposal in Iraq, according to Newsweek, is to follow that model and direct US special forces teams to advise, support and train Kurdish Peshmerga fighters and Shia militiamen to target leaders of the Sunni insurgency."
And as we have seen, training shia militia is a great way to bring about peace and stability in Iraq and it is necessary for the US to win allies against Iran as Fredrik Malm points out.
(*On September 20, 1996, the Pentagon released to the public seven training manuals prepared by the U.S. military and used between 1987 and 1991 for intelligence training courses in Latin America and at the U.S. Army School of the Americas (SOA). A selection of excerpts was distributed to the press at that time. Declassified Army and CIA Manuals)
(*Now, "Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation")
Nyliberal Utopi